Diabetes question?






Just a question from anyone familiar with diabetes.
I took a blood sample at work using a one touch ultra and got a reading of 248 (!!!) Now, I had just drank 2 glasses of sweetened ice tea, but even a sugary drink shouldn't spike a blood sugar level that much. Or is a spike that high possible?


The thing is, that a diabetic can reach that high with a couple of glasses of juice. The carbs in juice are from the sugars which are fast burning carbs. So your blood sugar was probably around 100 and you drank two glasses of juice. The fast burning carbs spiked your blood pressure. I also bet in a couple hours after you felt tired. That's because of a rapid drop in blood sugar when the fast burning carbs run out. Stick with longer burning carbs such as milk or some carrots and broccoli instead of a bag of chips. Also other slow burning carbs: legumes, whole wheat products,yogurt, onions, peppers, peas, eggplant and pasta., Talk to your doctor about a healthy diet for you.


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