How successful do you think Mad Max: Fury Road will be?

Do you think it will be a big hit because of the new special effects and the actors in it or do you think it won't be because the old Mad Max movies are pretty old and they're mainly cult films in America.


I'm mixed as there are old Mad Max fans that would rather not see it but the effects are 80% practical effects and not all CGI junk so that makes it seem intriguing to me.
The trailers look great. Maybe if they had given this sort of treatment to Terminator Genisys I might give it a chance but it looks like a total digital crap fest
In the end I think Mad Max is going to do well. It opens two weeks after The digital crap fest known as the Avengers so maybe the fervor for that will have died down a bit.

Guy Gene2015-04-29T13:50:54Z

it has Tom Hardy as the lead. it should open up in top 5 in the box office.