Do you believe in mythical creatures?

I know, I know, they're called mythical for a reason.

But what about Cerberus and unicorns! They exist, right?


pamela k2015-05-01T05:10:39Z

Favorite Answer

yes i believe in mythological creatures and here is why:

many animals believed to be mythical have been found.

the mountain gorilla

yes this animal used to be thought of as mythical. until the 1900's when they finally managed to bring out a body. it took several more years before they found a live one.

the Okapi

this too was considered to be a mythical animal

the giant panda

yes this was once thought to be a mythological creature. it took many years before they were able to bring out a dead body and 80 years before they were able to find and bring out a live speciman.

the giraffe

this was once thought to be a mythical creature

the takin

this was believed to be the animal responsible for the myth the Golden Fleece

the python was another mythological creature

giant squid

komodo dragon

beaked whale

the tiger

and so many others


Unicorns do in fact exist, they are not magical and have wings though. Other creatures have yet to be discovered. We've only covered 10% of the ocean so theres no way of knowing what the heck we haven't found yet, and I honestly don't want to know.


I don't know about unicorns but I a lot of people think Freddy fazbear is real.


Horses are real and narwhal whales are real. I don't see why science can't genetically modify a horse to have some narwhal DNA so that it can make a horn come out of its head. We could have real life unicorns!!! Come on science...stop working on cancer, AIDS and space travel and get on this!!


If you mean crytozoological creatures no (aka Lochness monster and Bigfoot).

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