If people don't like their country why don't they leave it?

If people are so against what the country they live in is doing or believes in why don't they just relocate and change their citizenship to one which supports their values the way that they want (rather than trying to oppress the others in their current country to follow their ways)? For a smaller extent example - I did not like the tax rate nor the weather in the state I lived in so I moved...


The family idea is interesting, but if the new country gives you better opportunity and life, as you would have more opportunities, potentially creating the ability to travel (see your family) or even eventually help bringing them from the country once you are established. Especially considering the technology these days, I have been 5,000 Miles from my family for over 6 years now, yet I'm able to talk to them once a week+ and have visited a few times.


The feeling country connection makes sense too. However if a husband beats his wife I would assume she would want a divorce, no matter the connection - the inability to change him could kill her. Eventually it would be needed to find the strenght to leave. ---- A few thousand can't change millions and will really only end up suffering in the end/ even if it's years later. Also if they do succeed in enforcing an unpopular vote the rest will either not listen or just fight back anyway.


Relocating when things don't suit you is cowardice. It's running out on your friends, family, and heritage. I don't like a lot of things going on in MY country. I'm doing everything I can to help rectify these problems. It's called activism. It can be volunteering to help your candidate, campaigning for, or against a program, of even starting a petition to effect change. Only cowards run!!!


If you're basing it on here, because it's probably teenagers who aren't happy with ANYTHING (it's a normal part of growth); it's it's in real life, it's probably because family is more important than kvetching. Either way, you can't just "leave a country and move somewhere else", unless of course you have a visa or other document that allows you to do so.


Because some people think of their county like they think of their children. They love it, and it hurts to see it make bad decisions. Instead of abandoning a troubled teen a good parent will want to help it be better and to make good choices.