Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade 2015:?

Last time we attended, the recommended hotel was MANY miles away, in a much better area but it took forever to get to the ball, all of us in our LOTR, 17th century, Steampunk and other various and HOT costumes bouncing around of the party bus. The site is fabulous (the Park Plaza) but is in such a bad area. Suggestions?


For the curious:


When was the last time you came to the Labyrinth Masquerade? The official hotel this year is MUCH closer than it was many years ago. . . but it depends on when you came. The official hotel for 2015 the Biltmore which is very nice (awesome for photos) and about a 5-15 minute ride on the limo bus (depending on LA traffic).

There were years where the official hotel was almost 45 minutes away, so it s a big improvement.