Does anyone else re-cook packaged food that normal people consider done enough?

I will fish through a bag of pretzels and pick the darkest ones...same for CheezIts and other baked (and friend) snax.
Got tired of never having enough browned bits, and so fire up the oven and darken my favourites en masse so that every piece is toasty brown. Have been told that this is weird. Am I truly alone??


clarification: BROWNED, not burnt/burned


I've been wishing they'd cook potato chips just a BIT more, to have more brown ones, which are the tastiest.

I've never done what you've done, but only because I didn't think of it.

It doesn't matter whether everyone else on Earth does that or not. It's YOUR food. You can improve it if you want.


in a way lots of people do as you do. toast is a really good example. you buy bread, its cooked and ready to go, but some people like it a bit more toasted than it already is, so they stick it in the oven or toaster to cook it some more.

i don't really do that, if i want it warmed i use the microwave.


most likely your alone, but you should embrace being "different", lol.

There is no reason everyone must like the same foods, but that seems a like odd.


You are not alone. But too much carbon can be carcinogenic. I wouldn't do it.