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Sixfeettall asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Does anyone else think that people who hurt animals should be executed?

I am so upset. Just read about some inhuman teenage monster in NYC who put a cat in the oven and let it cook to death even thought it cried and scratched to get out. I am so upset about this just from reading it. I think this teenager should be killed.


To those who have sympathy for her and think she needs help--good for you for your own humanity, but what people don't want to hear is that there are some people that just cannot be reached, and this creep is one of them. When she was sentenced yesterday she gave the animal rights people the finger and yelled "It's DEAD, B****". Psychiatrists will tell you that there are certain people who never develop their conscience at age 4 or 5, and it cannot be fixed later on. Like they say, if you leave the salt out of a cake, you cannot put it in after the cake is baked by sprinkling it on the top.

It was her former roommate's kitten. She ransacked the apartment, threw "Tiger Lily" the kitten into the oven, turned it to 500 degrees and then left so she wouldn't hear it crying. This "girl" is 17 years old and has a history of armed robbery and kidnapping someone else's dog, too. There is no hope for redemption for someone like this.

Update 2:

Emma Rose--yes, there is a big difference in wishing to exterminate this sort of cockroach disguised as a person. A baby kitten is loving and no threat or harm to anyone. The monster who killed the kitten in such a horrible way is of no good and no use to the planet at all. Waste of air, water, and food.

Update 3:

Look at the picture of the girl and the picture of the kitten she killed.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I honestly have no problem at all with executing these people. And as the ultimate animal lover, I hate the argument that people who do this often go on to hurt humans. Who cares? That almost trivializes what they've done. It doesn't matter to me what they might do...they've done enough. Just shoot them and get it over with.

  • Anya
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well look at what's happened here: the kid is only 17; she was with a kid who was only 14, and they both not only did this horrific thing to the kitten, but they also ransacked the apartment. If I were the owner of the kitten and lived in that apartment, I would, no question push for the most severe punishment.

    The parents messed up here....these girls were obviously not getting the love and attention at home. They go out and get into trouble instead. It really all comes down to the parent(s) and what is taught at home. Even if there is influence from other kids (bad kids), a child who has any compassion and was taught the difference between good and evil, would not do such a thing. I don't think it is a sickness, or that the kid needs psychiatric help.....this was just a typical, thug wanna-be prank. The kid was not getting enough attention, period.

    I don't think the teenager should be killed (although my first thought was to put her in a pizza oven.....). But she will need to understand what she did. Right now, she doesn't care about what she did and she is still trying to look cool. I say send her to boot camp, then send her to jail. She is trying to act tough now....let them both scare the pants off her.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is really scary. It has been proven that when youth mistreat or kill animals, that they progress in life to be even more violent.

    This kid is sick and needs some MAJOR help. While I feel a year is too little for the crime, maybe the should also make her work with rough and tough animals that will kick her bum. Have her work in training and rehabbing wild horses and biting dogs :) She may get a new outlook on animals after they have done some significant damage to her.

    God Bless the kitty :(

  • 1 decade ago

    No no no. This is horrible that kid needs help that is a beginning sign of someone capable of being a serial killer. He needs to be in an is said (I am not quoting anything except myself) that if anyone can sit and watch a helpless animal die and watch it scream in pain and try to escape they are capable of murder since animals are just a step below on the communication level. I mean my god people he shouldn't die. He's not a dog you put down, he's a kid. Charge him and institutionalize the poor kid, dear Christ.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I happen to think there are already too many damn people in this world, why on earth would we want to keep these type of people alive? What good are they going to do for society? I believe that only a truly evil person can show no remorse. When there is no hope saving someone, rehabilitating them, why should we even bother keeping them alive? I wish I could choose what my tax dollars went to, it sure as hell wouldn't be to feed her.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think rather than use animaks to do drug testing on anyone found being cruel to animals should be put forward for the drug trials to be done on them instead.If all the hard criminals in prisons were used for drugs testing instead of helpless animals then some good wiould have come out of their lives.

    Nice idea but with human rights it will never happen sadly.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think so too, since there's a clear link between people who hurt animals, and future killers of humans - and that is something I have no time nor see the point in spanding one dime on, they cannot be rehabilitated.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, I'm more concerned about the number of people that would see another human being killed. This individual is very disturbed and I would have preferred to see her get sentenced to a Mental facility rather than sent to jail.

    What do we do with all the staff in animal shelters that are forced to euthanize thousands of cats each year? Kill them all too?

  • 1 decade ago

    This news has ruined my day. Where is the love in the world? Wonder if a loving thing to do might include euthanizing this defective Homo sapiens to put it out of its misery.

    Why are we so important and valuable and the rights of other species are relative to our convenience?

  • 1 decade ago

    im something of an extremist so yes i think people who harm animals in any manner should be executed in the most cruel way possible, I'll gladly do it myself. I shudder to think what I would do if anyone harmed my babies (i have 2 dogs that i love like they were my own children)

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