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Favorite Answers24%
  • Why did Yahoo remove Advanced Search?

    I used to post here quite a bit, but once they took away the Advanced Search feature, it became too difficult to move around the site.

    Has there been any thought to bringing it back? It makes the site pretty useless when you can't search for specifics.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Under Jewish law, would a person be able to own/buy/sell swine?

    I know pork products are off-limits--I am specifically referring to a live hog. I am writing a story and the question came up. Thank you.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What recent headline makes you want to scream, "WHO CARES????"?

    Inspired by the item on the Yahoo screen that notified me that Kate Gosselin has changed her hairstyle.

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why do people who visit New York City stop dead in the sidewalks?

    It is tourist season in New York City. I know that doesn't mean we are allowed to shoot them and put their heads over our fireplaces, just that they come here in droves from all over the world and that's great. But, this is the most frustrating thing. New York is a pedestrian's city where people walk to public transportation that takes them home to the outer boroughs and to New Jersey. WHY do people from elsewhere come to a dead stop in the middle of a sidewalk to stop and look at a map or talk to one another or whatever? Can't you pull over to the side when you have to stop walking? Are you really so unaware that there are hordes of people behind you whom you are holding up and who are NOT on vacation? Would you park you car in the lane of a highway where you live? Please, have a little consideration when you come here. This amazes and baffles me, and when I miss my train because of the inconsideration, it angers me.

    12 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • What's up with these pregnant women wearing tight shirts stretched over their bellies?

    Don't they know how repulsive that looks? I'm not by any stretch of the imagination saying that pregnancy in and of itself is ugly, but who the heck wants to see some woman's protruding navel under thin spandexy fabric or her underbelly stretchmarks sticking out from the hem of her shirt? Does anyone else find this disgusting?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think that people who hurt animals should be executed?

    I am so upset. Just read about some inhuman teenage monster in NYC who put a cat in the oven and let it cook to death even thought it cried and scratched to get out. I am so upset about this just from reading it. I think this teenager should be killed.

    24 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • When making an offer on a house/condo, what is a good percentage off the asking price to aim for?

    Just as a guideline when looking at house prices to determine what I can afford vs. the asking price. I would be looking to get the best deal, of course, but I don't want to appear greedy, ignorant or insulting to the seller. Is there a percentage range that's considered reasonable in the industry?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Are the terms of the original lease still in effect three+ years with no lease?

    Signed one-year lease 2.05. I've paid the same rent since, and have never signed a new lease or a renewal. Am I obligated to remain on the property until 2.10? (Can't find my copy of the original lease.)

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Another FHA question?

    I've spoken to the mortgage person at a RE office and he ran the numbers and I will have no problem getting an FHA mortgage. The kicker is the 3.5% down payment, which works out to $10K more or less.

    If I borrow the money against my pension, which is a government pension that allows loans--if you retire before the loan is paid your pension is reduced somewhat--would that be looked upon as an invalid down payment?

    Note that I borrow this type of loan once a year because the rate is so low and I wipe out any higher-interest credit cards, etc. I have at that time, so the monthly payment I have now would not change.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Anyone have any knowledge of rent-to-own/lease options?

    Like others on here, I've been told I can get an FHA mortgage with no problem but I need a 3.5% down payment. It's not possible to save on my current expenses (it's a Catch-22--rent is too high to save on, but monthly payments of mortgage+taxes+insurance+HOA would be the same or a little less than the rent).

    I've heard of lease options or rent-to-own, but I don't know anyone who has ever done that, and I don't trust the Internet websites because, well, they ARE Internet websites.

    The obvious answer, of course, is to live somewhere cheaper for six months or so. Problem is that I have four cats and I doubt anyone other than my current veterinarian landlord will lease me an apartment.

    Thanks for any info.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Empty Nesters--what do you do for social activity?

    I am long divorced and have supported and raised my daughter since she was 8 (father is in her life, also). She turned out great and will be going to college in the fall. I foresee the rest of my life as it is now, working, and deepening very further into solitude, which I don't mind. However, I'm told that's not a good way to be. What do people my age (50) not quite seniors, still in the work force, do for a social life? I don't like activities meant for families such as church because I feel worse being alone in situations where I am out of place more than being by myself. Don't suggest charity work, that's not a social life. There really aren't many activities for single fifty-somethings. What do people do?.

    I enjoy history and learning and other odd things that most people don't care about and because I've worked all my life, I have little in common with other women my age who've been stay-at-homes. Suggestions?

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Blind cat peeing away from litterbox?

    I have four cats. One is completely blind since birth (no optic nerve connection). This has happened before but stopped and is now happening again--she is urinating near the front door and if anything happens to be there--rug, umbrella, daughter's pocketbook--she pees on it. I keep the litterbox clean and she uses that usually, but I'm thinking this is a stress issue since she doesn't do it all the time. She is jumpy at noise, and over the past few days when this has been happening we've been having high winds and I live in an old creaky house--could she be showing an insecurity/stress over this and that's her reaction? Today I put music on for her before I left for the day because she seems to like it and I thought it might drown out the outside noises while I'm not home. Thoughts?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Where can I find tables listing phases of the moon in 1859?

    I realize it might depend upon the location also--I need this for the New York City/North Jersey area for the autumn of 1859. Thanks. I've googled but I'm not finding what I want.

    1 AnswerAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Is it the norm to use the term "maths" in the UK?

    In the US, it's just "Math", no "s". I've seen that a few times in questions and figured it was people who have ESL, but the last one I looked at was from Scotland, so I wondered.

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Why do so many women ask if they are pregnant on YAHOO ANSWERS??

    What is the problem here? Ignoring for a moment the drama and stupidity--they actually seem shocked that they might be pregnant after having sex--but are our teenagers really so retarded these days that they would ask some stranger on a goofy Internet forum before they'd look up the symptoms themselves?

    Please, someone, explain this to me. It's not a judgemental call-my own teenager is on birth control because get this--she doesn't want to get pregnant when she's a teenager. Which makes me think these girls want to be pregnant. Is it an attention thing?

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • C'mon, kids, you get a FREE education--where is the "S"?

    I must have read ten posts tonight that refer plurally to terrorists but say "terrorist". This is kind of creepy--is it some new-century trend to drop the s on certain words?

    Example: "Obama supports the terrorist".

    or "Obama will prevent the terrorist from attacking the again.


    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • People past 50--how do you stop wishing for love?

    I know the question is corny, but I turned fifty earlier this year and something is bothering me. I've been divorced for nine years after a bad marriage, dated a tiny bit after but nothing came of it, and my daughter is almost grown. I'm pretty happy, busy, enjoy my solitude, yet every so often I get this feeling of overwhelming grief over never having had a truly loving relationship. What can I tell myself/how do I kill this feeling? Is it just regrets from hitting the Big 50 milestone? I'm usually level-headed and logical, but this emotion coming out of nowhere confounds me. Thanks.

    31 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago