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Sixfeettall asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Blind cat peeing away from litterbox?

I have four cats. One is completely blind since birth (no optic nerve connection). This has happened before but stopped and is now happening again--she is urinating near the front door and if anything happens to be there--rug, umbrella, daughter's pocketbook--she pees on it. I keep the litterbox clean and she uses that usually, but I'm thinking this is a stress issue since she doesn't do it all the time. She is jumpy at noise, and over the past few days when this has been happening we've been having high winds and I live in an old creaky house--could she be showing an insecurity/stress over this and that's her reaction? Today I put music on for her before I left for the day because she seems to like it and I thought it might drown out the outside noises while I'm not home. Thoughts?


She does like music, I don't think that will bother her.

LOL on the furniture moving, but she gets used to it quickly and really gets around pretty well. I've seen her catch a moth and some flies just by sound. It's amazing. She's playful, also.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi there,

    Whenever a cat begins to suddenly eliminate inappropriately one has to suspect an underlying medical condition as a first possibility. You don't mention if she used the litter box appropriately for any other weather related issue, or creaky house noises, so it strikes me that your kitty may have developed a urinary tract infection, or bladder stones.

    Soft music is generally very soothing for kitties. I leave classical on for my two boys when I am out, and they seem to enjoy it. Of course, acid rock would only add to the stress <grin>

    I highly suggest that you take your kitty to the vet for a thorough exam , urine and blood tests, to rule out any medical problem and if your kitty gets a clean bill of health then a behavioral issue is most likely the cause. Your vet also can prescribe medication to alleviate anxiety. Amytryptiline is a very effective medication for cats who are dealing with inappropriate elimination due to stress.

    Good luck to you and your kitty. Blind cats actually do very well. I had one for years who gradually went blind due to an ocular disease. She only had problems if we had to move furniture.


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former CFA registered breeder of Siamese and Oriental shorthair cats

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you ought to have a vet placed your cat out of her distress yet provided that she has no high quality of existence left in any respect. Your spouse being bored stiff of cleansing pee up isn't a good reason, you does no longer have an incontinent previous relative placed to sleep could you ? in the journey that your cat has stopped eating and hides away then it's time to assert so long yet no longer with a drowsing pill. it may in all probability reason her to circulate into suits, possibly she does no longer die, in simple terms go right into a coma,you ought to cremate her which skill she ought to be burned alive !!! you're saying how a lot you like her so coach it by employing doing the remarkable element and getting a qualified guy or woman to place her to sleep, a vet constantly tests an animal has definately died, you won't be ready to try this your self !!! 15 years of loyalty truthfully merits a dignified non violent ending !!

  • GaryE
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think you have it right maybe it is just the creakiness of the old house that is freaking her out. We leave music or talk radio on for the kitties too -- I think that is a great idea.

  • 1 decade ago

    The music may only worsen the "jumpiness".

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