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Why do so many women ask if they are pregnant on YAHOO ANSWERS??

What is the problem here? Ignoring for a moment the drama and stupidity--they actually seem shocked that they might be pregnant after having sex--but are our teenagers really so retarded these days that they would ask some stranger on a goofy Internet forum before they'd look up the symptoms themselves?

Please, someone, explain this to me. It's not a judgemental call-my own teenager is on birth control because get this--she doesn't want to get pregnant when she's a teenager. Which makes me think these girls want to be pregnant. Is it an attention thing?


Sorry, humbug, but voluntary stupidity does make me angry. I know they aren't all teenagers but as soon as I see "OMG!" at the beginning of their question I'm pretty sure they are.

Update 2:

I suppose ignoring the questions is the correct answer. I have the choice to go somewhere more intelligent, don't I?

But it bugs me. We have so much in this country and still people choose to be ignorant. I just think it is wrong.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was one of those women who was on Y!A whilst trying to conceive and *gasp* I NEVER asked if I could be pregnant!! If I wanted to know, I WENT AND BOUGHT A TEST!!! Now, when the test kept coming up negative and I was still feeling funky I DID ask what else it could be (turned out I was pregnant, but wouldn't show up on a test). I guess there is a lot of freakin' poor people who can't afford to go to the dollar store and buy a $1 pregnancy test, but somehow can afford internet service monthly!! Hmmmm, priorities people!!

  • ♀♂
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Most of the time it's because they don't know what a PREGNANCY TEST is, but other times they just wonder if it's a possibility. Some women really aren't sure how things work. Some girls do want to get pregnant at a young age because they have no idea what it is really like to have a baby. There are 12 year olds on here that claim that they want a baby! Those girls are the ones looking for attention and those girls are stupid and in for a rude awakening. Just ignore those questions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, first off the symptoms stated on MOST websites are not experienced at all in pregnancy, and some that are experienced are not listed.... Another reason could be that some teens do not have a parent to talk to about being pregnant, and no one to ask about their experiences, and they may just be scared... To some of them strangers are the only people that will not judge them, or even if they do get judged by strangers (God should be the only one to judge) then at least they do not have to face that person all the time day after day... Although there are some teenagers that cannot afford birthcontrol, some states do not offer it for free) Another aspect, PREGNANCY CAN OCCUR EVEN IF YOU ARE ON BIRTHCONTROL i became pregnant with my twin girls, while i was on BC

  • 1 decade ago

    They're not stupid. They know that a lot of women on here have had experience and are just looking for the opinion of an experienced woman. Maybe they can't talk to their mom about it and need someone similar to them to give them information or advice. Be a little nicer and try putting yourself in their place. Plus, not all of these women are teenagers. They may have already looked up the symptoms/signs but onlly have a few and wonder if only having a couple or having other things could still mean they're pregnant. Don't be so cold.

    Source(s): Personal experience
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  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, personally i think it's ignorant because you know the consequences at that exact moment. I don't think it's an attention thing, I think they're just scared and a little stupid for not looking up the symptoms themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    YES IT IS annoying....BUT its not just teenagers asking this ....its many women that are TTC that ask this also(althoug they ask every month)...sometimes its just for a spark of hope though...and then sometimes the person is trying for a baby and people assume they are dum teens....because the obvious answer is" take a test, we dont know" but all ages of all situations even adults suprisingly ask this obvious question.


  • It's really fricken annoying because it's every other question on here and HOW THE HECK do we know if you're pregnant or not do we look like god? Every answer has got to be the same. "You could be pregnant. Go to your doctor" and no you don't have to read them for them to be really annoying. i don't read them but i would like i better selection of questions to look through..other than

    "He came in me. My period is late. Am i pregnant"

    "He pulled out. i'm 12 and i think i'm pregnant PLEASE HELP!"

    omg stop. ask a doctor.

  • n.mous
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    First of all not everyone who asks a question in this forum about pregnancy is a teenager. When women asks these questions they are trying to get advise from people who have already gone through it or going through it. Its like moral support.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Not every woman that asks if they are pregnant on Y!A are teenagers. Some are just trying to conceive and trying to get some reassurance about their chances etc.

    If it really bothers you, I would suggest that you just ignore those questions. Being angry at those who ask won't solve anything. They won't stop asking just because of you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know! It's like, just take the freaking test stupid!

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