Did my girlfriend dump for no reason?

I went to pick up my girlfriend for a date. She was not ready so her single mom Ann talked to me while I waited. She told me what her life was like when she was a teenager. Her mom said “seeing you reminds me of all the fun I had in the back seat of cars when I was your age. Those were the best years of my life. Do you think it is OK if I sleep with guys your age now”.

OH MY GOD. If she was coming on to me, I knew I was in big trouble. What should I do? Was this a test set up by the daughter? I thought I had better play it straight so I told her mom that if that is what would make her happy, she should do it. Life is too short to pass up opportunities to be happy. If this was a test set up by her daughter to see if I would get in bed with her mother, I was going to play it safe and not fall for the bait. She must have told her daughter what I said because her daughter dumped me. She told me I should not have told her mother to screw young guys.

I thought I was giving her good advice. Was I? If this was not good advice, what should I have said.

Now that I have been dumped, should I call the mom and say lets go have some fun in the back seat of my car?


well obviously shes a crappy gf. you said the right thing. dont fret about it.