My bf and I, we been dating for 11 months now. When we first met we would talk all day! About anything and everything. Now we only talk?

for about a good 4 hours then he goes off without telling me. He havent texted me in a day I think I'm losing him idk if im not good enough for him :( what do I do or say that I havent said already? It makes me sad


I've only been dating my boyfriend 4 months, and this is starting to happen to us. It's really nothing to worry about. The reason you talked so much in the beginning is because you were getting to know each other, and you were wrapped up in the excitement of your first few months together. 4 hours is a lot of time to talk, it seems like he really cares about you if he would spend that amount of time daily. I'd talk to him about how you feel, regardless. He'll probably give you the reassurance you need. Good luck!


The honeymoon stage is wearing is natural for interest to die down a bit after some time passes. Keywords meaning "die down" not "disappear"

But 4 hours is a long time...


dump him