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first kiss stories? they're so cute!?

here's my cute story:

It was the summer when I was 13, I'm 16 now. My friend had asked me if I wanted to go to her summer home on a private lake in buffalo, new york. There's a Boy's and Girl's Club Camp there, and we did 1 out of the 9 weeks available. We both didn't know ANYONE. The Institution (the private housing area) mainly had old rich people, and teenagers; and it's a very preppy place. It was the first day of camp, so we got on our bikes and rode on over to the Club. we were separated by age, with a range from 6-18 year olds. I was with 13-14 y/os. For the first activity, the boys for I a line, an the girls got in a line, and we had to match up with the opposite gender across from us. I was paired up with this boy Graham. I introduced myself and had no idea what was going on. music started playing and someone was it: we had to switch partners when the it person latched on. I then went to a boy named Michael. I thought he was so cute:) My friend that I went there with, Mara, had decided we would be antisocial and watch old episodes of The Real World instead of having fun with people, so we didn't talk to many people throughout the week. we were there from Sunday-Saturday morning. So it was Friday, and our last night/ last day of Week 1 at the B & G Club. So we decided to stay a little later after camp and talk to people. we sat at this table outside at the club, and started playing Never have I ever. I ended up saying Never have I ever kissed a guy. Someone said: "Well that's gonna change tonight! That's michael's department." and I was secretly excited. it was getting dark, so we went to the playground and played truth or dare. there were some stupid dares, and then my other friend asked me t or d, and I knew it was coming, so I said Dare. She dared me to let Michael kiss me. so I stood up, and was clueless, he just told me to turn my head to the left and close my eyes. it was cute, but everyone was watching. it was 11 now, and his curfew was coming up. so he left, and there were 4 of us left: me, Mara, Graham, and another girl. we walked over to the lighthouse, since it was sunset, and we sat on this little bench on the pier in front of the light house. Mara said she had to go to the bathroom, so the other girl went to show her where it was. so it was just me and graham sitting on the bench. he put his arm around me because it was cold, and we were good friends. I knew he liked mara a little, and since I was just kissed by michael, I didn't even think about him. but all of a sudden, he turned my face, and said "I hope I don't have to regret this." and kissed me! like, make out! I had no idea what to do, so I just pulled back. he told me that ever since that first day when we were partners, he liked me. he was jealous that Michael got to give me my first kiss. it was perfect! on a bench, at sunset, in front of a lighthouse on the lake. I remember counting every time he kissed me, being the little girl I was. 8 times, 5 tongue. that night, Steve Martin was playing his banjo at the amphitheater, and we'd left our bikes there. so we walked back up there, and then walked him home. we walked under the street lights, holding hands, and kissing. that was the best night of my life. Michael ended up being a Jesus-loving boyscout who always asks to pray for me. grahamt and I never persued anything, although we've talked about it. we still text to this day, even though I know I will never see him again.


ooooookay. I didn't mean for it to be that long. it just made my heart warm to retell my story. just, does anyone have cute first kiss stories? they don't have to be long like mine. thank you!

Update 2:

reading all of the stories :) awwww they're all soo cute!! I love just thinking back to those times! all of them are so cute:))) and a big thanks to the people who actually read my story, all of yours are really sweet!

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Sarah,

    Story of my first kiss? Well, it seems that I was a very timid guy all throughout high school and into my first few years in college. Went on a few dates, but never passionately kissed a girl; nor had a GF... until my senior year in college.

    Met a really neat & cute girl through a Christian club in college, and after several dates she finally had to hit me over the head with a brick (metaphorically speaking, of course) to get me to kiss her intimately. We were sitting on the couch in her Mom's living room after returning from a nice dinner at a local restaurant. I had never even held her hand yet. That's when she bluntly stated "Look, I really want to kiss you!" Pleasantly shocked, I said "OK, great!!!"

    That first time was absolutely fantastic... it was wonderful to hold a special girl so close, so gently, and so tenderly. I loved feeling the soft warmth of our wet lips sucking on each other, thought that the tiny fuzzy hairs on her cheeks were adorable, enjoyed the perfumed smell of her ears, liked nuzzling our noses together, and savored the feel of her warm breath on my face.

    She was a fabulous kisser, and she made me feel exactly like I was Tom Cruise... at first.

    After several months of serious dating, I loved her dearly. However, she started getting more and more dissatisfied with me (and told me so) because I certainly did not look like Tom Cruise... nor did I have a tanned and ripped body. She began complaining, started getting extremely difficult to please, expected me to constantly entertain her, rarely said "thank you" for anything, and was becoming just plain rude. Several times as we were walking hand-in-hand around a local mall or another public location.... she'd see other guys who were really handsome & buff, sigh loudly, and ask "Why can't YOU look like THAT?!?!?".

    The harder I tried to please her, the more she seemed to think that I was a dimwitted, boring, unattractive, paste-eating dullard. It was as though she had literally transformed into a completely different person.

    Slowly, it began to dawn on me that our relationship was doomed. I decided that it was self-destructive and stupid to stay together with someone who seemed to enjoy being arrogant, insulting, and cruel. So, after issuing a few blunt warnings (which she laughed at)... I broke up with her.

    That was when it hit her that perhaps I wasn't such a bad catch after all, and she wanted me back... but it was too late. It was over. Forever.

    The flood of her tears and apologies just didn't do anything to convince me that she'd suddenly changed after so many warnings. I simply didn't want to risk getting stuck with a b*tch... nor risk the prospect of a future divorce.

    Hoping that perhaps she had learned an important lesson and that she'd treat her next BF better, I said goodbye and we never saw each other again.

    Later, I ended up marrying the next girl I dated... who complimented my appearance, genuinely enjoyed the special times that we shared together, never complained, was a great cook, said that I was smart, and was always supportive. We now have a nice family with 2 daughters.

    - Moral of the story? A person rarely marries their first kiss, so don't get attached too quickly to a person. Get to know them first. Don't ever do a random hook-up.

    - Second moral of the story? It takes effort, empathy, and mutual respect on both sides of a relationship to make things work out. Expecting one person to do everything and expecting one person to entertain like a circus clown is a recipe for disaster.

    - Third moral of the story? First impressions can be very deceiving. It might take a few months, but a sooner or later... a person's mask will fall and you'll see their true character.

    - Fourth moral of the story? Just because someone is in a Christian group doesn't mean they're a Christian, that they have Christian values, or that they follow the Bible.

    Out of curiosity, I did look up my first GF on Facebook a few years ago... she was on there, and was divorced with several kids. Evidently, she continued her cruel ways and the fact that she was a fabulous kisser did not manage keep around that guy, either... or maybe she was nice but married a complete jerk who cheated on her. Who knows?

    How can you keep your heart from getting trampled? Keep your panties on until you get married. That'll eliminate 99% of the creeps, losers, and players... and mistakes of passion... which will make your life much happier and simpler in the long run. You'll also be protected against pregnancy, STD's, and excessive heartache.

    In closing... don't make too many stupid decisions, don't date jerks, don't drink too much booze or take any drugs, don't have friends who drink heavily or take drugs, listen to your Mom and Dad, read the Bible (the Gospel of John is a good place to start), and then everything will turn out fine.

    Those are a few things to think about, Alex. Good luck!

    Signed, WB


    Source(s): Link to some good dating advice for young ladies posted on Y!A -;_ylt=Ans04... Link to Y!A advice regarding how to spot and avoid jerks & players -;_ylt=AuMSi... Link to conservative virginity advice for young ladies on Y!A (in support of females keeping their virginity until the wedding night) -;_ylt=AoG0S... Link to Bible Story Tract -
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    My first kiss was only a few days ago and it was really not cute at all. I live in a fairly smaller town and every few months we have this disco thing that all the high schools in my town go to. When I was there two guys came up to me and asked if I would hook up with one of them (this is normal for our school discos) and so I chose the hotter one (obviously haha) and I'd never kissed anyone before but we just hooked up then shook hands and walked away. Not really a fairy tale first kiss but oh well

    Source(s): Lifeeeee
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    When my husband and I first went out on a date, it was at the end (I actually picked him up b/c his sister had his car) and we were sitting in the driveway and he leaned over and kissed my cheek. I wasn't expecting that at all, but he didn't want to come off as too strong. Later after we'd gone out on a few days he was talking about something (couldn't tell you what b/c all I could think about was kissing him) and mid sentenced I leaned over to him and kissed him on his lips. It was a pleasant surprise for him. Since then we will go "kiss kiss" (actually say that) and he'll know I want to be kissed or we'll say that on the phone when we get done talking to each other (we did this when we were dating, and to this day. It's cute b/c he won't do it if he's around his guy friends or if he does it's really quiet).

  • :3 thats adorable. Well, my first serious boyfriend and I started dating about 4.5 months ago (i'm 15 he's 16) and the night of our 1 month anniversary we went to see a movie, The Hunger Games. His brother was there, and my dad and his boyfriend were a few rows back. We didn't say anything to each other the whole night, which was kind of awkward, but a peaceful kind of awkwardness. So, when the movie was over, we kind of just stood up and stood in the theatre holding each other until everyone left, and we both kind of wanted to kiss, but i got scared, so I led him outside. We sat on the bench and every now and then would say something to each other about the movie or something. My dad came to tell me it was time to leave and then left us alone again, so I turned to him and we stared at each other for a little while, then just kissed. We kind of missed, and I got scared and pulled away after just a second, then proceeded to run away and leave. >.< I was so terrified that I had messed it all up, but he told me it was perfect, and we laugh about it now.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Here are tips on How to Get A Girlfriend Whether in high school, college, or out of college, when you know what to say and how to say it and how to act to make girls interested in dating you, life becomes a lot easier. It's not even about your looks either. I've seen attractive guys have a hard time getting a girl while an average guy gets a bunch of girls. You just got to know the tricks. Have fun.

    Best way to eat out a girl

  • 9 years ago

    I was 7 and some girl really had a crush on me for whatever reason. She said if I kissed her she would give me $5. At the time that was a lot of money. After 8 years, I haven't kissed a girl since.

    Source(s): I actually know someone who had his first kiss on wedding day.
  • 9 years ago

    Don't listen to everyone else, your story was cute! I was fourteen when I had my first kiss. It was with a guy that ibhad been talking to for awhile fromte fit day he talked to me he kept saying he wants to kiss me. I made him wait awhile until i kissed him. It was a school he walked me to class and then he hugged me and I knew it was coming and the moment I looked in his. Eyes I knew it was time. The kiss was very fast but it felt great. We kissed again after that class. We later did this thin were it washout thing to kiss three times in a row I thought that was so cute I was his Idea and he normallynisnt that kind of guynit shocked me. It isn't workignout between us now which really sucks. He has a lot to figure out. But kin story short everyone ruined it for me.'people sardine you regret him and I say no I regret that I let you guys ruin it for me. I hope that one day we can be together. Or i will find someone just like him:) but I feel like no guy will live up to him, I hope I made the righ choice.I know I did for now:) well thanks for reading my story! And yours was really cute!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Cute Girls Kiss

  • 9 years ago

    My high school boyfriend and I started dating right before junior year started. And, we had been "official" for about a week or so, and I went to his house after school and he was like "Let's go for a walk." And, we walked down to the river by his house and he just stopped, looked at me, and said "There's something I've been wanting to do for a very long time now..." And kissed me! And it was so cute, because it was both of our firsts.. and right afterward he goes "I'm sorry! I'm not very good at this!!" It was adorable.

    Answer mine?

  • 9 years ago

    OMG, I love your story!

    My first kiss happen when i was at the library and i finally found this book i really wanted to read.I went too go check it out at the front but i didnt have my library card. The librarian told me if i didn't have my card, i couldn't check out the book. But she did tell me that i let her kiss me on the MOUTH FOR 5 SECONDS, i could check out the book for free. I ended up doing which was the best and only kiss of my life.

    I was 7 at the time and she was 59. Now im 38 and i sometimes help her at her house for a happy ending.

  • 9 years ago

    mine was not too long ago when i was 16. i was with my long distance gf. we watched a movie that night, the first night i saw her, and we cuddled and held hands and it was nice. but no kiss. so we went to bed and we were just laying there together. i told her i was afraid to kiss her and she said you can do it. so i put my head down again for a minute. all of a sudden i got up and pounced on her like a cheetah and pinned her to her bed and we kissed for 10 minutes. it was great. we arent together anymore but we are still friends

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