Behind in homeschool.?

I am in high school in a online home school program due to health issues which have gotten better. To be honest I don't like school like most teens. It makes be so depressed and I can't seem to learn like I use to. Anyways I am far behind in school and school is almost out for summer,so my question is what happens if I don't complete all my assignments on time? Do I have to repeat the year,summer school or legal issues?


If your online school is free for you it is a public school, so whatever the law is for public schools in your state is what will be required of you. Usually the legislature or the Department of Education in your state determines what the rule will be.

You are not homeschooling. That is a totally different set of laws that do not apply when you are enrolled in a public school.

You'll have to ask the school you are enrolled in.