Abs workouts?? what to take after ab workouts?

What can i take after an ab workout in order to get them? or achieve them? Should i take protein after an ab workout in order for results?


It depends on what you eat, if you don't eat any junk food or anything unhealthy at all and get plenty of protein. Maybe, like 1-2 months. The leg lifting exercise your taking about is called 6 inches or a suicide. You might want to add butterfly kicks (a 6 inch where you raise one leg, then put it down and raise the other). And maybe reverse crunches, and planks for variety. If you don't eat healthy while doing this your not going to get anywhere really. Also, you should try and do lower reps (like 10) and divide them into sets of 5.


With gaining muscle you need to consume protein before and no later than 30 minutes after your work out. You'll have to throw in some cardio in as well so swim ride a bike go for a run and those abs will start to show. It'll take a long time so don't get discourage.

Mike G2015-06-26T21:35:41Z

A rest.