How to transition from Scripting to real Programming?

I'm a small time game scripter and I've found that I really do enjoy coding.

My issue is that I want to transition into straight up programming, but I have no clue what program to make and with what language.

my current language interests are Python and C++ but I don't know where to start and I can't get experience until I do start...

How can I transition?


I'm a strong advocate of C++.
Some new-generation programmers tend to think C++ sucks, and python crap is better, but i really don't see the point.
Certain things can be done more easily in Python, but that doesn't make it a better language. A programming language is not a general-purpose software designed for laymen, it's a professional tool designed for dedicated folks. It's like saying calculus sucks and simple arithmetic is better because it's easier to understand, but in reality, calculus is more powerful and can be used to solve more complex problems, to a professional physicist, ease of use is not important, what's important is power and versatility of the mathematics he is using.

My definition of a good language is one that has good libraries, can be used to build software for Windows, Linux, and mobile devices, and that gives complete control to the programmer instead of trying to make things easier for him by automating stuff.

C++ is the best. Extremely powerful set of time tested libraries, no "make life easier for programmer by dumbing things down and over-automating" crap, and extremely versatile- you can design an entire operating system using C++. Not to mention speed- C++ code will run FASTER than other language code. C will run even faster than C++, but C++ supports object oriented programming which has some major advantages over C.

As for moving from scripting to C++, well, the basic concept is the same- you break a complex problem into a series of simple steps, and you write those steps in C++.
But the approach to problem solving is drastically different. C++ is an object oriented language. I really think you should start with C instead of C++, and even if you start with C++, you should not try the object oriented approach right away. Get used to the basics of programming before you start dealing with classes.

Scripting is not really programming, it's like writing a batch file- well technically, a batch file is also a program- it's a series of instructions written in a computer understandable language. But scripting has severe limitations, while C++ has absolutely no limitations. Every software you run on your computer, can be written in C++ (and most of them probably are).

Best of luck.


Do you want to make web applications, or windows apps, or maybe even mobile apps? If you just want experience, I would dive into web applications using Visual Studio Express, which is free. You could write web apps or windows applications, with C# or VB (i'd go c#). Web apps have a special flavor to themselves.

Certainly one of the hardest things is coming up with a project, especially if you have no goals but to learn the programming language. I just googled "programming projects" and found this list:

Lots of different things on here from really basic to more advanced, that looks like it would give you a good rounded programming experience. After all, half of programming (maybe more!) is coming up with a design and logic of the app. The rest is just learning the language/framework which you're programming in.

The Black Hole2015-06-29T13:14:54Z

How did you transition from not Scripting to Scripting? You opened a book or a web page and started reading and practicing. Thats it.
Just do it.


Just google for "Python tutorial" or "python online course".

Programming is like 75% online research; I don't see you getting anywhere with this attitude.