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does anyone know any good programing languages for a beginner?

I'm planing to get a miners in computer programing and want to get a head start.

if a program language is highly math based then a math book would be nice to.


Sorry the bell rang and I had to go, I also forgot about this question till now.

What I plan on doing is go into game design with a masters in computer animation. so some thing for that would be awsome as well.

9 Answers

  • Mark F
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd suggest finding out what they teach in the course and starting in that. A lot of people might suggest BASIC or something, but some of those earlier languages can actually teach you bad habits that are difficult to "unlearn" later on. Here's a summary:

    Assembly: Pretty much as low-level as you can get. Not a good starting language as it's completely dependent on the specific processor you're programming for.

    BASIC: Very easy to learn. Also very easy to learn bad habits from. Also tends to be very low-performance compared to other langauges. Things like Visual Basic are reasonably popular in the commercial world due to the fact that any idiot programmer-wanna-be can work with it!

    Cobol/Fortran/Lisp/Prolog/etc: Esoteric languages developed for specific tasks that aren't very good as starter languages.

    Pascal: Very structured and easy to learn. Also tends to be good at helping you identify and fix mistakes.

    Ada: Similar to Pascal, but very unforgiving of mistakes. A favorite with the military as it's generally more difficult to introduce some of the types of bugs endemic to other languages. Somewhat obsolete now, although some universities still teach it due to its perceived relative "purity".

    C: A very generic, flexible and powerful language. Can be very confusing for beginners, especially those with a background in more structured languages like Pascal, but once you get over the initial learning curve you can do pretty much anything in C. A good compiler will generate code almost as fast as hand-optimized assembly.

    C++: An extension of C, it's fully backward compatible with it but adds extra features to make it easier to implement code that adheres to the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm. There are two schools of thought: those that think beginner programmers should start off with OOP, and those that have a brain!

    Java: Can be thought of as an extension to C++ in many ways....but without the dreaded pointers that are responsible for so many bugs in C and C++. Its main advantage is its cross-platform nature, allowing any program to work (in theory) on any platform in the world. For various reasons Java hasn't quite made good on this holy-grail-like promise, and its use in the commercial sector remains limited.

    C#: Developed by Microsoft, this is arguably THE best language in the world when it comes to ease of use and flexibility....provided you limit that flexibility to Windows programming, XBox 360 programming or web development. Assuming, that is, that you're not too worried about performance.

    Everyone will have a different answer to your question, but I would suggest this: start off with Pascal in order to learn structured programming....sooner or later your school or university will probably want you to do something with it anyway. As soon as you feel comfortable with it (e.g. a couple of months) switch to C. From there make the gradual transition to C++. With a good grounding in those languages, you'll pretty much be ready to take on anything. What you'll find as you get further into programming is that in the real world there are all sorts of languages and scripting systems and proprietary software that companies use. In the long term the specific languages you know isn't anywhere near as important as the skill of being able to quickly pick up any new language as needed.

  • 5 years ago

    Java was left closed source for too long and became stagnated, now it is only used in a few applications, and it is definitely not easy to use. C++ is from 83' and does not have garbage collection. This means that a single missing line could easily crash your computer without you finding out why. Visual basic is widely considered not to even be a real programming language, besides that, the methods of GUI creation by .NET are abstract and any windows you make will not behave logically. Python is a good programming language especially for starters, it has everything you need, garbage collection, dynamic typing, OOP. Its only downside is that it can't be compiled: You have to have python installed first for the program to run. C# is a coming along but without dynamic typing also not good for newbies.

  • 1 decade ago

    People call programmers a lot of different kind of professionals.

    If you want to be a Programmer:

    ... then C is a must, OOP is not really something you need at start. With C you learn the hard way, pointers, memory leaks, stacks overflows ecc... But you will know how things really works inside the bowels of computers.

    If you want to be a Software Architet:

    ... then Java is your language, OOP is to be learned even berfore you know how to print "hello word" on the console. Then from j2se you go up to j2ee, application servers, XML, Web-Services, Ajax, HTML, css.... all web 2.0 techs.

    If you want to be a 'Scripter' (I don't think the word exists ... but the job does):

    then javascript is for you, or python. Scripting can be an extremely powerfull tool, (expecially in the gaming industry), you can't imagine how much scripting is done to make things 'really' work.

    Is up to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    It's very rarely used in the industry as a whole, but it's a great tool for learning the basics of programming. It supports functions, recursion, strings, tuples and various other concepts which are fairly important for a programmer to learn early on.

    Once you've learnt the basics through Haskell, I'd recommend progressing to another language for larger projects. Perl 5, PHP 5/6 and Java are all good languages with object-orientation and a large number of third-party libraries available which is useful when building larger programs.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on what you want to accomplish with your programming skill set. There's web-based programming, object-oriented programming, etc.

    If you've never had any programming experience, I'd recommend starting with Basic. It's an older language, but has fairly simple syntax and will give you a good grasp of what programming consists of before you jump head first into C++, C#, or Java. Also, if you prefer programming for a GUI interface try Visual Basic for the point, click, & code approach.

    Source(s): Computer Science
  • 1 decade ago

    being an e-commerce student and according to our curriculum, the first programming language we've learned is the Turbo C and C++. Then, JavaScript and Visual Basic. The most easiest programming language is the Visual Basic or VB.

  • Chie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Why not try Visual Basic?

    If you want math-based programs, try Python.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would suggest C++. I'm only 14 and I'm learning it. It's great but it gets harder after some time. Most professionals use it to make games which is why I'm learning it.

  • 1 decade ago
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