Can someone explain to me why the clause about equal rights for all in the 14th amendment wasn't intended for homosexuals?

Conservative bigots keep saying that it doesn't include homosexuals but I can not find anything in the constitution that explicatively goes against the equal rights of homosexuals. You can say that homosexuality is a life-style choice but then so is heterosexuality but anyone who really understands knows that most people are born with desires for love and reproduction some people are not born with these desires and some other are born with the desires of the same sex and some born desiring both sexes. You can't choose what you desire anymore than you can choose what gender or race you are.

The Lightning Strikes2015-07-01T04:53:43Z

That amendment was in 1868 intended for recently freed slaves, Do your really think the writers of that amendment had gay marriage equality in mind at that time? you are trying to use legalistic trickery to justify your antichristian hatred and bigotry thinking you are justified, also ? just because it is the law of the land, doesn't make it right, Romans 13 does say to obey the law of the land, unless it violates the law of God, but if you wish to take that further like you did in a previous question? then fine, we are all in violation of Romans 13, this Nation was founded by way of a revolt against England, making this an illegal country ! Biblically , from your legalistic standard.

From Wikipedia "The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws, and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.

It say's nothing about gay rights and marraiges, your trying to force an amendment into something it was not intended for.


The 14th was adopted in 1868 to confirm that the recently freed slaves were now full US citizens, with all of the rights and freedoms, and guaranteed "equal protection of the law".
Homosexuality existed at the time, of course, but was always hidden and NEVER discussed in public.
So it didn't occur to the authors, Congress, and state legislatures to mention homosexuals.

However, there are enough words in the English language to say anything you want to say. The 14th says that equal protection applies to ALL Americans. And the Supreme Court agreed.


It was meant to keep employers from discriminating on the basis of race, but I guess If you say that everybody has the right to marry whom they're attracted to or love, then it kind of does apply. I don't think that homosexuals are right, but I guess we have to allow them to marry here in america.


Oh, big difference in being what youre
born as, and choosing to be something
different. Now you should know that.


Because the bible is against homosexuality and so should everyone else. Jesus you atheists are slow.