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Can someone explain this *reason* for infant circumcision please - I don't get it?

How does a *circumcised* penis prevent the spread of STDs?

Surely, if you have an STD, circumcised or not, and you have UNPROTECTED sex, infection is almost inevitable.

CONDOMS prevent the spread of STDs, not circumcision surely?


Surely by saying being circumcised is "cleaner" and prevents the spread of STD's circumcised little boys will grow up thinking, hey cool, I don't need to use a condom, my penis will do all the work!

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's just a myth (that's recently been debunked by the way) that some pro-circumcision (American) doctors used based on studies that they conducted themselves in the hopes of convincing people to continue to have their children circumcised. The studies were all done by biased individuals and were conducted in a flawed matter that was examined, scrutinized and later contradicted by other researchers.

    It's also been a myth in the general public (at least in the US) for decades because people naturally assumed that since so many people were circumcised here, it must be healthier. The real motivation is that perpetuating the myth that it's cleaner, healthier or prevents STD's is simply a convenient way of medically justifying an unethical, unjustifiable, medically unnecessary, painful procedure done on an infant incapable of granting consent because most parents who are accustomed how a circumcised penis looks simply find them to be more aesthetic. And from that perspective, "it doesn't matter that they have no choice in the matter, how much pain they will experience or whether it serves no medical purpose whatsoever because they won't remember the procedure, their penis will look better afterwards and they'll look like their father and most other boys".

    The US has a much higher rate of HIV infection than any developed country but it's the only one that practices routine circumcision on the majority of male infants. That alone proves how illogical this belief is and how irresponsible it is to even suggest circumcision as a means of STD's control when condoms and safe sex is the only method of prevention for STD's.

    Circumcision was also once widely believed and taught by "doctors" to cure masturbation, nocturnal emissions (wet dreams), syphilis, epilepsy, bedwetting, rape, curvature of the spine, bladder infections, clubfoot, neuralgia, crossed eyes, blindness, deafness, dumbness, urinary and rectal incontinence, tuberculosis, penile cancer, prostate cancer, venereal disease, tongue cancer, nervousness, urinary tract infections, group B streptococcal disease, HIV/AIDS and the list goes on and on. Circumcision is and always has been a solution in search of a problem!

  • Connor
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It doesn't prevent the spread of STD's. That's a myth. The presents of the foreskin doesn't help stop the spread of STD's.

    If it did the America would have one of the lowest STD rates in the world, because we have one of the highest circumcision rates in the world. However the opposite is true. We have some of the HIGHEST STD rates.

    You are just a smart person and don't fall for all the stupid mumbo jumbo out there. You are smart enough to knw that's not true.

    Even this isn't a reason to circumcise infant males. Because infants don't have sex. And you don't punnish the entire male race because people are out there having unprotected sex. I know how to use a condom. I'm not stupid. Therefore circumcision of me would be pointless.

    You are right.

    The STD rates have gone up since people started saying that because now circumcised male think they can have care-free unportected sex.

    Also studies have shown that circumcised males are more likley to have more sexual partners, and because of the sensitivity loss of circumcision they are less likley to use condoms. Because circumcised men are usually the ones that run into the problem where they can't stay hard with a condom on or they can't ejaculate with a condom on. It's all too much sensitivity loss.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only true reasons for a circ are religious, family preference and aesthetics.

    Yes. Some studies have suggested that it does cut the STD rate. There is a correlation between circs and lower STD rates among males...but just because there is that correlation doesn't mean being circumcised is the causal factor...maybe circumcised men are more likely to use a condom, maybe uncircumcised men tend to choose partners with higher STD rates or maybe it's a coincidental link.

    The bottom line is if you want to get your child circumcised (my son is) you can't possibly believe that a circ will prevent STDs or any other thing that circs supposedly "prevent". I don't believe they have any health benefit. And my choice was one of tradition...but I'm certainly NOT going to say a child who isn't circumcised is less clean. First, it isn't true. Second, news flash - most of the world do not preform routine circs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually there is no proof that circumcision prevents anything. Most people get it because they are religious or believe that it does prevent urinary tract infections. Some boys that do not get circumcised do get it later on if they have chronic infections though. I debated this topic for a while when I found out I was having a boy, but in the end I'd have to pay about $250 and my doctor said that there was no real medical reasons to do it. So we left him the way mother nature made him and we haven't had any problems at all.

    And it's a myth that circumcision prevents STD's. If a woman has it and the man has a cut on his penis then he can get them. If the man has an STD and has sexual intercourse, the ejaculation is the spreader.

    Source(s): videos on youtube.....they strap the infant down to a board and literally MUTILATE him. Just for a look? I don't think so....for religion? That's their belief and in that I guess justifiable.
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  • Missy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    lol, circumcision has no bearing on the spread of STD's.

    I don't think there's any set "reason" for it other than the fact that it's so common nowadays that many mother don't think twice about it. When I was younger I had no idea was an uncircumcised penis looked like, all I'd ever seen on the internet and porn movies (and one time when I was 17 and my friend dared one our guy friends to show his) was circumcised. When I finally saw a picture of one on the internet I was surprised. It looked like a worm! lol...

    Many people say that it prevents penile cancer and it's easier to clean, but then there are studies that contradict that. It really comes to down to a personal choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    People have a choice. So many young people believe that uncircumcised is not clean. Circumcision really has nothing to do with STD's. It's just a choice, and until enough men start screaming that it's unjust and unnecessary, it will continue to be the trend of the day.

    I love that people do it for appearance, like you have your penis waving around all the time. To each his own.

    If I were a man, and I had no problems with being intact, I wouldn't let a woman change my mind. For everyone who wants a man snipped, there are just as many who don't. EDIT: I don't think your additional comment holds any truth whatsoever. It just makes no sense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    IN all seriousness, I have no idea why non_jews circ their kids.

    I have to. that's all there is to it, it's not debatable, it's not something I would even argue because I know halakha (Jewish law) and it's THAT important. It pisses me off when people who aren't Jewish and have no idea what they're talking about try to argue it; Once on here, a certain user said "My pediatrican told me not to have my son done, and HE"S JEWISH" - um, yeah, because you're not Jewish- you can bet the ped's son is circed though, LOL.

    Lacking that in my life, I can't imagine doing it I mean, I know it's done differently for non-jews; they send them off to the nursery or something. I was right there, not 5 feet away for my son's. Granted, he didn't cry, he didn't even seem perterbed- but he was done by a mohel who has done nothing but brit milah for about 45 years- ped's do it as an afterthought. I'd guess the mohel is *slightly* (note sarcasm) better at it.

    The studies are iffy- on BOTH sides. I don't do anything 'iffy' for my kids (and an uncirumsized Jewish boy would be very iffy, indeed).

    Source(s): Jessica, I don't know what videos you're watching, but I've probably been to 100 brits and never seen an infant strapped down. My son was wrapped in a soft blanket and an heirloom gown he wore for his own privacy, he was helds by his sendak ("godfather:" type thing) and there was nowhere, ever, a board involved. He was wrapped and lay in his uncle's arms, in his grandfather's tallit, and did not cry. It was, in fact, *tender*. In fact, all the brit's I have been in, including my own son's, have been very concious of the child, his privacy, and his comfort. Keep in mind- we don't do this for looks, disease, etc. We do this because we have done this for 5000 years and it is a part of our collective lives. I don't get people who think it;'s about lives- we have been murdered because our men can be identified by being circed, and still we do it- does that show it is about a bit more than looks? Even if I was an atheist Jew (and yes, it's quite possible, no Judaism is not based on "belief"), I would * still* have my son circed, it is about far more than religion though explaining that, I suppose, is another post LOL. And I don't know wht "Jeorge's mommy" is talking about. "the bible" doens't say anything, there is no 'bible' in Judaism, there is a direct commandment/ agreement among Jews and the G-d of Jews, no one else was implied in such agreement anyway.
  • 1 decade ago

    Ha, have you been reading all the recent circumcision posts too? They're everywhere right now.

    I personally think the attitude of circumcision being somehow 'cleaner' is rather dangerous. I mean, if you don't wash down there then it's going to be rancid. If you've got an STD, it's getting transmitted whether you've a foreskin or not, whether you're clean or not.

    Even if it were the case that it reduced transmission of STDs, I would not even entertain the idea of circumcision. A gross violation if you ask me.

  • 1 decade ago

    How is it a big FU to God when the bible clearly states it should be done?

    There are just as many facts recommending it as there are saying you shouldn't that's why they left it up to parents. World Health Organization recommends it.

    My son was circumcised on Tuesday and I didn't find it cruel at all...they froze him and he didn't even cry. It doesn't bother him at all, he is his normal self. Yes it was an extra cost, $200 is what I paid here in Canada. I'm not worried about him getting angry and suing me or anything...if that happens then he probably has more problems than we realized.

    And have you ever known men to be very clean about anything? Have you read the stats about men not washing their hands after they use the washroom? It's quite disgusting actually.

    It's a personal choice...just like breastfeeding and using cloth diapers. Some people are for it and some against it.

    I don't think it should be used as an excuse to not use may prevent STD but it doesn't prevent pregnancy. To me, it doesn't matter if a person decides to circumcise or's their choice and it's none of my business.

  • ben
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Orgasm Guru Expert Advices
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