boyfriend ignored my texts? opinions pls?

im in a long distance relationship and we ve been together for more than a year.
last night i texted him but he never replied. he was online for a while an hour after i sent the text but he didnt even read it! (im using whatsapp so maybe he read it by notification)
then when it was almost twelve i said "goodnight, take care wtv youre doing, bye"

now is the next morning and he still hasnt read or replied! he was last online2am

his habits: he tends to not reply when he s busy or watching anime or when he s spemding time with his mom and siblings. he did the same thing a few days ago but texted me before he slept saying sorry cause he was watching anime the whole night (i dont mind cause i do that too)

is he bored of me or did he just not bother saying sorry cause he knows i dont mind since that s what i said the other day?


Thank you for answering my question.

I had these over thinking moments about chatting to anyone on Facebook. If he hasn't seen the message then he might not even be on Facebook. The severs have a glitching habit for showing someone, but they're not. It's nothing serious but talk to him about it if you're that concerned :)


Don't over think the situation too much, he was most likely just busy. However though if it keeps happening have a talk with him.


I'd say if you are really bothered by this, then you should go ahead and talk to him and tell him. You're in a relationship, afterall, you should be able to tell him when something bothers you, within reason. I don't know if hes bored of you, because I'm not you and I don't know exactly what your relationship is like. Good luck.


He has a life, and you are not the center of it. That doesn't mean he doesn't care, but you have to understand he won't always be there to reply.


he is not interested ---- first text is a horrible way to keep in touch or have a conversation (unless its your ONLY way) ---- second someone who cares for you does not ignore you ---- they are never too busy --- its over you may care about him he does not care about you ---- move on find someone close or not does not matter what matters are the feelings you have for each other

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