boyfriend ignored my texts? opinions pls?
im in a long distance relationship and we ve been together for more than a year.
last night i texted him but he never replied. he was online for a while an hour after i sent the text but he didnt even read it! (im using whatsapp so maybe he read it by notification)
then when it was almost twelve i said "goodnight, take care wtv youre doing, bye"
now is the next morning and he still hasnt read or replied! he was last online2am
his habits: he tends to not reply when he s busy or watching anime or when he s spemding time with his mom and siblings. he did the same thing a few days ago but texted me before he slept saying sorry cause he was watching anime the whole night (i dont mind cause i do that too)
is he bored of me or did he just not bother saying sorry cause he knows i dont mind since that s what i said the other day?