i think i annoyed my bf? opinions please? i ll answer yours if you give the link!?

Im in a lonng distance relationship and we called to say goodnight before i slept. and my boyfriend kept repeated goodnight a few times cause i didnt want to hang up . (yes im kinda clingy i think). but he wasnt mean about it- he kissed me and said goodnight nicely.

but then i called him again because i suddenly felt the urge to call. but he rejected my call. i texted him sorry about it and goodnight in a joking way. but im scared he ll be annoyed because he has been annoyed if im overly clingy. so do you think what i did was enough to annoy him or is it okay? i only missed called him once though!


You probably annoyed him a little, but it's okay. Couples annoy each other some times. And he clearly is aware that you can be clingy at times, and he's still with you, so it's obviously not a deal breaker for him! Just don't over think it too much, because over thinking will only lead to more clingyness. I used to be the same way. When my highschool boyfriend went to college I would call him all the time, and even if he was at a party or something I'd expect him to stay on the phone and talk to me because I didn't want to hang up. It was really silly in retrospect (I'm 23 now) but I didn't know any better. Anyway, he found it annoying at times but it never mattered. He never broke up with me. We mutually broke up a couple years later because we were both over being long distance. Sooo yeah if he loves you, he'll put up with a few annoying qualities.


Im sure all couples get annoyed by their significant others at some times in their life but they learn to deal with it and not get mad. i was in a relationship once with someone, but we only dated for 2 months because I was in school and working full time and he was workingfull time so we were not as close as we thought we would be to maintain a close relationship physically. I broke up with him after that because things just didtn work out because of our packedschedules and plus i didnt feel like i loved him. Now my life is better and I am betteroff where i am as a single person (for now) things might change you never know.


Im sure he is not annoyed with you or anything but maybe you should be a little less clingy. He might not care right now, but if you keep acting like that, he will eventually get annoyed with you.


No I don't think you annoyed him. His phone could of died, he could have been busy, he could have been doing anything. I would wait awhile and see if he texts/calls you back, and if he doesn't I would talk to him. You did nothing wrong!


No offence but just give the boy a break.. you're over doing it! Stop texting, let him text you. Don't be needy or you will lose him.

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