Do many brands of Pre Made Chocolate Milk seem sweeter than it used to be years ago?

Some are trying to keep Chocolate Milk in schools. I remember it in schools, but it seems to me that the Pre Made Chocolate milk they provide today is way to sweet, I don't remember it being that sweet as it is today, Now it has as much added sugar as a candy bar.
I can't stand how sweet it is today and half to cut it with milk 75/25 or even more and I find it more delicious without being too sweet.

What do you think is it sweeter than they used to make it ?


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There is a kind of chcolate milk that claims not to have sugar in it. The commercial is on tv. Is it called "Moo"?
Chcolate syrup has sugar in it, so therefore, so does milk.
Now I want some, darn!