Ok i lied to a girl about something and im planning on telling her?

All i told her is that ive fingered a girl before but i never had...do u think she will say like big deal or not care?


Favorite Answer

Just say you were messing around, she'll probably take it as a joke. Not a big deal.


Why would you tell someone that? Consider TMI as a bad thing. This is TMI. Maybe it is time to not try to scam a girl and just be honest with yourself and truthful with who ever your talking to. It is easy to tell that your young and stupid. So when your talking to a girl, try not to be or act stupid. Just try to make a connection and do not think that you have to show that you know more than someone else. There is a fascination with two people exploring new ground for young people. Embrace it. That way your on the same ground as that girl that you want to date.


She'll most likely appreciate that you like her enough to just be honest with her at this point. Be honest in your relationships. Always. Anything else is playing games and always ends badly. Always.


Maybe tell her and find out