Is it ideal to purchase a used Lincoln Towncar with high mileage?

Lincoln Towncar vehicles are commonly used as limousines, so high mileage is evident.

I'm interested in purchasing a used one (ideally a 2011 model), and it is hard to find one below 100,000 miles.

I've been doing research on my own for a while, and I have heard that these vehicles are still reliable after 100K miles and are recommended to purchase for everyday usage? How true is this?

Can anyone chime in?


Yes very reliable if you maintain it I can last up to 400k miles with original drivetrain, just do your research online and you will see they last very long,usually the drivetrain outlives the paint and the body of the car


Huge, slow, a 814TCHto park, eats tyres and suspension bushes and brakes - say, what's not to love?