Why do atheists that have NDE's come back warning people that hell is real and Jesus is the only way out?
I understand atheists will never listen to Christians, but there are so many atheists who died and saw hell only to come back and warn people "This place is real". Why are they ignored by so many atheists?
Favorite Answer
Because ....hell is real...those fellows experienced it
No one can prove whether the NDE is a dream or a hallucination of some kind. I've watched a lot of these documentaries. Only a few of the people go to hell, and only a few see Jesus. Most people meet their relatives in Heaven with no mention of Jesus. If you are going to use these documentaries as evidence, it isn't honest to select only the ones that confirm your views.
Atheists who have NDEs tend to have hallucinations with no religious imagery in them. I suppose it's possible for an atheist to think he saw hell, but it's not typical by any means. People tend to see imagery from their own cultures, and that varies tremendously.
We've heard way too many fake stories from preachers to believe a single word they say.
This is what bugs me about christians calling themselves "once atheist" is that if a conservative christian was once a liberal christian and they believe they were "wrong" about god before, they will and have many times just referred themselves as ex-atheist (because they believe that being wrong about god is the same as atheism) and if they were once part of a different sect or religion all together they will also lump themselves in the atheist category. You may not like hearing this or believe it's not true but this happens so often it's became disturbing, dishonest and stupid all rolled up in one. I'm sorry but jus because a now christian person says they were once atheist DOES NOT mean they were actually an atheist, they are not above lying for jesus.