Why are creationists so against the big bang theory?

We all know creationists accept science when they can mold or retranslate the bible to fit science or in the very rare case that the bible did get it right. Why don't creationists claim that "of course their was a big bang, we would expect a massive bang when god spoke all matter into existence". Why do they completely dismiss it when the bibles words could very easily be molded into the same thing the theory suggests?


Other than YEC's most of the creationists I know embrace the BBT - the reality is when first introduced it was that materialists and atheists who raged against it because they saw it as giving creationists a foot in the door... Though I must admit, what happened to friends like Halton Arp at the hands the Big Bangers probably taints my objectivity just a little bit. I reject various flavors of the Big Bang Model because I see it as bad science! But it has really become academic at this point now that Joe Sixpack realizes it doesn't really work.

five toed sloth2015-08-04T01:32:01Z

All Christians are creationists, most of them (well most Catholic and mainstream Christians anyway) seem to accept the scientific evidence for the big bang, evolution etc. its just that they think it was a creator god that set these processes in motion.

It's the Christian fundies and Muslims that have a problem with this.


Some Christians don't understand that the Big-Bang theory gives more to the creation belief.

I agree with you I can't understand that many Christians would think that creation would be stone silent. In my opinion it was a very noisy place when all that was going on, it would have made a very loud noise


Why are creationists so against the big bang theory?

- It is something that takes intelligence to understand and since they do not understand it, and their god cannot understand any more than that do, god could not have used that to create the universe.


I do not deny the fact that there probably was a big explosion of light and thus heat, it is everything else about the big bang theory I deny.

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