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Have creationists proposed a religious alternative to the big bang theory?

I know that they've proposed an alternative to evolution, but I was wondering if they have proposed an alternative to the Big Bang theory yet.

If so, does this alternative theory explain the same pieces of evidence as the Big Bang? For example, what does it have to say about Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Three theories, actually. Together they make a grand unified theory.

    Theory 1: God

    Theory 2: Did

    Theory 3: It

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I can't explain it, and I don't really know if there is anything wrong with it. I do know that when it was first proposed, many atheist scientists didn't like it because it sounded too much like creationism. Before the Big Bang theory, they thought the universe was eternal. Now, it's an accepted theory, from what I hear. Why are scientists so afraid of anything that may look like creation? Isn't science a search for truth, even if you don't like the truth that you find?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it's called the "ISSDEE- Event" (Intermediate Spontaneous Supra Difussional Eidolon Expulsion Event), technically a "discontinuity event" ending what quantum superstring theorists call "Paradise Lost", where a former condescended and measurable “paleo-universe”, the Supraeoverse, auto-inverted through a "metastatic threshold" via a "hypersingularity event” into the current secondary degenrated "Trans-Universal Structure" (TUS), an infinite construct, creating the inception of time and entropy. The TUS is divided into two major regions, the "Endoverse" where our "Local Known Multiverse" is located amongst other multiverses, a region composed only of 10% of the whole mass and is a "holographic reality" containing 10 dimensions (this is the Realm of Nature), and the Exo-Supraverse composed of 17+ "Transdimensions", being the Relam of Super Nature where the "Supra Eidolon" (Super Image) is located, being God and the Divine Nature, He who "auta-evacuated" the former Supraeoverse when it was "defiled" causing the hypersingularity event in His protracted wake which auti-inverted the system via the ISSDEE-Event, which C.S. Lewis called "The Great Divorce" when God separated Himself from the defiled Creation. Hence, the root etymon in the word "contemporary" (with + time) and "modernity" is ultimately the etymon "widow", because the inception of the TUS suddenly saw the appearance of "Time" (with + time) and the TUS became the "Diavowed Great Widow" where her "Husband" (God) appears "dead" to her. Originally, in the former Supraeoverse the Masculine Creator God was perceived as the "Great Eternal Husband" and the Feminine Creation" was understood to be the "Great Eternal Wife" in the relationship.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation falls under the Theory of Godditit. Its a great theory. It explains all theories science explains and then some. And it requires no testing for validity. Science is just jealous they have not come up with a unification theory nearly as good.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Big Bang Theory? The theory that's whole principle is based upon misinterpreted redshift observations? The "theory" that says that everything came from absolutely nothing, subsequently transforming magically into simple life, which then evolved into complex life?

    Yet you must think that everything came from nothing. Here's why....

    Let me inform you on some facts about the material universe. All the energy in the universe is being transferred and is gradually losing it's power. It is scientific law that all energy is being transferred and losing it's power. This is called entropy. Therefore, if the universe were eternal, right now my friend, there would be no more transfer of energy because if the material universe was eternal, energy would have long ago been completely transferred and there would be a consistant, homogenious temperature throughout the entire universe.

    That disproves an eternal universe. Yet we know that for the material to be in existance it would have to come from somewhere. The only other thing that, in a non-creation senario, could have happened would be self-creation, which would be impossible. Here's why. This would require matter and energy that does not exist to recognize itself in non-existance, then create itself from nothing. This is a definite impossibility. Deep down atheists know this.

    You make up this elaborate tale of science fiction and call it a theory based upon redshift observations. The theory is in existance for those who's sole objective is to deny a Creator and God. They will do whatever means necessary to establish this, mostly for their own desired perceptions.

    You say Big Bang Theory.

    I laugh.

    *Look at how Aviator think I am ignorant. Aviator read my answer and it struck a chord with him. My information is 100% factual. Look up entropy for yourself and read what the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics says. Aviator was taken back by my answer and knew I was right, that is why he attacks me further down.*

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We all know Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation was just bird poo on the Bell Lab radar dish. Get with the times. ;P

  • 1 decade ago

    God created it. The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is to heat up his hot dogs.

    Edit: Derek gives us the other theory. It is the "I am so ignorant to science there is no theory" theory.

  • paul h
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This online book by Dr Walt Brown has many creationist scientific explanations of creation, cosmology and the flood.

    CMB is the result of the instant creation of the universe and matter/energy....the expansion of space is caused by God's "stretching out the heavens" (the Bible states this 11 times) and other topics which deal with the problems of the Big Bang theory.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe the Big Bang was a big multi-user intercourse at the beginning of time, with all the gods and goddesses.

    Source(s): at least that's much more interesting than any of the other allegories currently available.
  • Jeff S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    GOD created the earth.

    That may sound ridiculous to non-believers, but so does the 'big bang' to believers. Some thing came from no thing takes more faith than believing in a creator IMHO

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