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Take it from Toby

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Just answering and asking some questions to pass the time. When do I get off work again? I am a 26 year old single male living in Seattle. On the next Arrested Development... Day man, fighter of the night man...

  • how important is spraying foam in the corners between a stud and the sheathing?

    I have a 1942 house with no insulation in the walls. I want to rip out the lathe and plaster in order to do additional wiring (only one outlet per room is not cool) and add fiberglass insulation, then drywall. There is no water damage to the original siding, sheathing, studs, or lathe and plaster. A friend of mine said I should buy those closed cell foam spray cans and use them on all the corners created by the studs/headers and the sheathing. Sort of like this: , then apply the fiberglass insulation.

    But I was doing some quick research and I didn't see a lot of information on how this adds R value. It seemed to be more about sealing from moisture. And of course moisture can dramatically affect the R value of insulation. But from what I can tell the combination of the old, kick *** siding and a good coat of high quality paint has done a good job of sealing from moisture from the outside.

    What is your opinion on this, or can you give me some good links to provide me with insulation?

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • Mountain bike tire sizes?

    I have a Cannondale 29er 4. It has 29x2.2 tires on it. I was wondering if that means that I can only use 29x2.2 tires on it, or can be substituted with other 29" tires (29x2.0 for example)?

    3 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Start Ray Rice or Percy Harvin?

    I want some advise on who I should start.

    Rice didn't score a touchdown last week, but was a large part of the Ravens offense. He will get the majority of the touches and at the very least put up yardage. He is playing at San Diego which didn't look great in week 1.

    Harvin looks to be a major talent, but at this point I'm worried about exactly how much he will be part of the Vikings offense. But they are at Detroit wich really looks bad.

    6 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Spiritually Speaking, what is the deal with egg nog? it for people in the mood to get a little drunk, but also want pancakes?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it in human history, the more knowledge there is, the more believable the supernatural becomes?

    It seems like as humans gain more knowledge the claims of miracles, and other supernatural events become more within this knowledge.

    For example, the first humans in the bible were created from dirt and a rib. If someone would have claimed they were created from dirt in 1920, they would be laughed at and thought of as crazy. In 1520, they might just be thought of as odd. In 1020 BC, they might be believed.

    In general, supernatural events become more and more believable to the humans knowledge. Now days miracles are more like tears showing up on statues and pictures in toast. We don't have the insane miracles that have been claimed in the past.

    Is this because God's actions, and other supernatural things, are becoming more toned down as time goes on? Or is it just convenient and evidence that humans make stuff up that they can convince their peers of? The more educated the peers get, the more believable you have to make your stories.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If Atheism is a religion, how would one go about getting this into laws, government, pledges, money, schools..?

    Atheism is a lack of belief in God. And some have said it is a religion. Even others have suggested that Atheism (the religion) is being pushed into politics the same way Christianity is.

    So how would this work? Would we take the word "God" off of IRS forms, amendments, applications for the post office? Would we make it so we don't teach about God in schools? Would we make a law saying the government doesn't hold the position that God exists? Would we make money spendable regardless of the existence of God? Would we make your taxes based on income, and not one anything supernatural?

    If you notice, the idea of Atheism (as a religion) getting into politics looks a lot like the simple idea of keeping Theism out of politics. So isn't it just secular, meaning no religion?

    What say you? I'd like to hear from those who think Atheism is a religion.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Was it just me, or was Bush super quick in dodging that shoe?

    No matter what you think about the guy, that was a good dodge. He ducked from the shoe, then perked right back up and if it wasn't even a challenge for him. Is Bush living in the Matrix?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Religious folks, could an alien race make you change your religion?


    What if an alien race came to earth and claimed they had found the true religion of the universe, and it is different from yours? They would have super technology and be able to show you how much more advanced they are then us. But the evidence for this "true" religion is so complex humans are unable to understand it, so they can't really prove to you they are correct.

    Would you convert? Would you consider it? What would they have to do to convince you?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to not be Theist or Atheist?

    I keep seeing people say they are not Atheist or Theist, but Agnostic. I don't really see how this is possible.

    Agnostic deals with knowledge. You either don't know, or claim that you can't know. But this doesn't deal with belief.

    To determine if you are Theist or Atheist, you just have to answer the question "Do you hold a belief in a God?" If you don't answer yes, you are an Atheist, right? If you say their might be a God, it doesn't mean you hold a belief, thus is Atheism. If you say you don't know, that means you don't know if you hold a belief.

    Or is there a way to not be Atheist or Theist?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, what would you change in the bible?

    This is a hypothetical, so please treat it as such.

    If God spoke to you, and said you could re-write, reverse, revise, etc one part to the bible (old or new testament), what would it be? It can be something incredibly minor or something complex.

    Ah what the hell, anyone can answer.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Could this be yet another scientific fact to support evolution and shut down creation?

    My prayer was "baffling absent".

    On December 1st, I asked God to create me a money tree in my front yard.

    Nicknamed the Welfare Tree, this would allow me to quit my job, and all God had to do was make one lousy tree.

    After waiting, the tree has not been created leaving the Creationism believers "completely baffled".

    According to Creationism, god created the animals and plants. But this is a tree that God didn't create. Defying the Creationism rule, my yard still has only grass in it.

    Overall, this is not what Creationists would expect or prefer.

    Horrible argument? I think so.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Bible Quiz: What page?

    What page or specific passage in the bible would you use to rob a bank?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Pro-lifers, how do you know the intent of the baby?

    A lot of people seem to know that a fetus doesn't have the intent to kill the mother. How do you know this? Also, even if it isn't murder, isn't it manslaughter? The action of the baby caused a death, right?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there a spiritual meaning to the song "Night Man" from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia?

    Night man sneaky and mean

    thunder and sand, man i think i love you

    you made me want to cry

    you made me want to die

    i love You (x5) night man

    every night you come into my room

    and pin me down with your strong arms

    you pin me down and i try to fight u

    you come inside me

    and fill me up and i

    become the night man

    Its just two men sharing the night

    it may seem wrong but its just right

    its just two men sharing each other

    its just two men like loving brothers

    ones on top and ones on bottom

    one is in and one is out and

    one is screaming im so happy

    the others screaming a passionate shout its the night man

    the feeling so wrong its right man(x2)

    i cant fight you man when you come inside me and pin me down with your strong hands and i become the passionate passionate night man

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do some people regret that the US allows interracial marriage?

    If they had never allowed interracial marriage, then there never would have been a slippery slope toward gay marriage. If they had never changed the definition of marriage then, no one would think to change it now. Does anyone feel this way?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Non-religious reasons to be against gay marriage?

    I've seen some people say that they have non-religious arguments against gay marriage. I don't think I have really seen these, so I would like to see some.

    I guess the only ones I can think of are the "tradition of the definition" and "slippery slope" arguments. But those are pretty bad arguments. Are they others?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can I bill God for bad advise?

    I wanted to invest in the stock market a while ago. I prayed for God to give me a sign. I specifically asked that he not let the devil hive me a sign, and only for him to give me a sign. When I woke up the next morn, there was a junk mail letter that somehow made its way onto my face. It was for a Washington Mutual credit card. So I invested everything, including the letter " " on my keyboard. WaMu fell through and I lost everything. Can I send a bill to God for the lost money? Does he take liability for wrong signs?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did the people on Noah's ark all have sicknesses, or where the diseases kept separated?

    For example, did Noah and his family all have the flu, cold, herpes, TB, Anthrax, the plague, polio, typhoid, etc, etc.

    Or where they kept separate, in a storage room or something?

    Because all of those diseases obviously survived the flood. And this doesn't even get into all the diseases the animals must have had.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago