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Did the people on Noah's ark all have sicknesses, or where the diseases kept separated?

For example, did Noah and his family all have the flu, cold, herpes, TB, Anthrax, the plague, polio, typhoid, etc, etc.

Or where they kept separate, in a storage room or something?

Because all of those diseases obviously survived the flood. And this doesn't even get into all the diseases the animals must have had.


Oh, and I guess Adam and Eve would have had all these also.

21 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Noah's sons had hookworms.

    Source(s): --Mark Twain
  • 1 decade ago

    Please consider this:

    You can argue endlessly about getting all of the animals in the Ark, How did they get to the ark, What did they do with all of the poo… etc. But that was a long time ago and no one alive today was there. However, there is evidence that is here today that bears on the flood as revealed in the Bible.

    If there had been a Noah’s ark where all animals were reduced to just two individuals – one male and one female – then the genetic variability, within all species (kind), of all animals existing today would be essentially ZERO. All animals, all over the world today, would suffer the same problem of a lack of genetic variability that the Cheetah does today. The genes of Cheetahs are so similar, one to another, that when skin grafts between non-related Cheetahs are made there is no rejection of the donor skin.

    Yet, this is not what is found. Only a few species (kinds) have the problem of low genetic variability. Cheetahs experienced a near extinction about 10,000 years ago (down to perhaps less than ten individuals). Today they have almost no genetic variability within the species because of that near extinction.

    Yet, the millions of animals around the world don't suffer from this problem. That is because they were never reduced to just two individuals 5000 years ago. They were never on an ark. There never was a general flood that caused all life, except for two of a kind of every animal, to perish. The very genes inside you and I proclaim that fact.

    It is obvious that the story of Noah’s ark is a wonderful story – but just a story. It is a story of man's sinful nature and of Both God's impatience with man and of God's love for man as indicated by his regret and promise not to repeat the event.

    That does not reduce the importance of the story for it is a beautiful story of God’s love for us and of his justice and regret. It is just not accurate, but it are not supposed to be. The Bible is about God’s love and about how to live a righteous life and achieve everlasting life. Don’t dishonor God by using and interpreting his written word incorrectly.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    On it is floor that looks like a stupid question on the grounds which you will anticipate fish would be unaffected with the aid of a flood. yet a international flood would additionally flood each and all of the freshwater lakes and ponds with seawater (even even with the undeniable fact that at a decreased salinity using rainwater). So, interior the flood difficulty, there would be no freshwater fish left later on till Noah had stored them on the boat... good element.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hmmmm. Never thought of that. Well, that's kind of a minor point anyway, compared to the problems with fitting an entire planet's worth of species into a single ark.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think Noah & family may had suffered from sea sickness during some part of their time on the ark.

  • 1 decade ago

    LoL, and I thought I already came up with all the inaccuracies of that story! Guess I have something else to add now, Touche!

    Source(s): Free your mind from man made gods!
  • 1 decade ago

    The story doesn't talk about anyone have any diseases, so just like all the other truths that you don't understand, we believe the one you suggest as "moot" also.

    Try to wrap your mind around this one then. If God intervened at this point in man's life to sustain and save all those on this , what had to be a large boat, wouldn't you think God was graceful and good enough to prevent all what you suggest from happening? Oh that's right, you don't believe in God! lolol

  • Dave
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Sure. The chickens and ducks passed disease to the pigs, who passed it to the people. Where do you think the flu came from?

  • 1 decade ago

    I would have said that the diseases evolved later on. But we don't go in for all that evalooshun bunkum.

  • 1 decade ago

    Note to self: The Flood was scientifically impossible..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I bet at least a couple of them had a flaming case of the Hersey squirts.

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