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If Atheism is a religion, how would one go about getting this into laws, government, pledges, money, schools..?

Atheism is a lack of belief in God. And some have said it is a religion. Even others have suggested that Atheism (the religion) is being pushed into politics the same way Christianity is.

So how would this work? Would we take the word "God" off of IRS forms, amendments, applications for the post office? Would we make it so we don't teach about God in schools? Would we make a law saying the government doesn't hold the position that God exists? Would we make money spendable regardless of the existence of God? Would we make your taxes based on income, and not one anything supernatural?

If you notice, the idea of Atheism (as a religion) getting into politics looks a lot like the simple idea of keeping Theism out of politics. So isn't it just secular, meaning no religion?

What say you? I'd like to hear from those who think Atheism is a religion.


lostrelic: so they have churches. That a religion does not make. But how would the religion get itself into government? If it is truly a religion, it would be easy to answer this. but it seems it isn't a religion, but a lack of religion.

Update 2:

Linda J: Simple, there is not a single belief that is tied to Atheism.

Update 3:

Linda J: Simple, there is not a single belief that is tied to Atheism. It is a lack of belief. How is that a religion?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Already done. Read the Constitution of the USA. Great document, oh, and the Bill of Rights. Quite good stuff.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people inject that atheism is a system of belief, and therefore could be considered a religion - but this is a far-fetched definition.

    Atheism being pushed into politics?

    Damn strait!

    We deserve an equal voice!

    What we promote, politically, is the separation of church and state. Our founding fathers knew the importance of this, but their message has been derailed by influences of the religious voting populace - and the politicians who listen (well, they are supposed to consider the position of ALL their constituents, so I guess they are right to do so, to a degree...)

    This brings me to my point. We are sick of being bastardized by people who feel they are morally superior, because they have religion!

    The fact that we choose not to worship a holy deity, or follow the dogma of any religion, does not mean we are without morals. We love our children as much as anyone else. We hold dear the concept of family, trust, love and forgiveness (all on a secular level - imagine that!) We are cognizant that we can achieve all of this without a "God".

    The word "God" has NO business being on IRS forms or any other governmental forms. I am pretty sure "God" really does not care what percentage of our money goes to the government. That said, churches should be paying taxes too - As a non-believer, we should not be subsidizing the privilege of worshipers to use public roads or public transportation to attend their masses of ignorance (which is, in our eyes, a business).

    Teaching about religion in school? Tricky question - from a cultural perspective, our children have a right to be exposed to information, so they can make their own choices. I would take issue if a religion was promoted by an instructor to my children; and this is the danger - an instructor (or even a parent) who is religiously biased is not likely to present unbiased information on other belief systems.

    I am going to stay on my campaign and keep repeating myself until this catches on - I say this: "Politics is the religion for this life, Religion is the politics for the afterlife".

    If you choose to follow a religion, keep it personal and do not use it to interfere with the freedom of other's beliefs (or lack thereof - a right guaranteed by our Constitution). Everyone has equal rights under the laws of our land.

    The concept that "God" is a nationalist is ridiculous. How can a god favor the children of one nation, when the supposed creator was responsible for the whole planet/universe?

    In summary - Atheism is not a religion, and "God" has no place in our government.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure atheists will get their way with this world one day, it's already starting. Honestly I wouldn't care if atheists opened up an atheist school for their children (although it makes me sad their kids will never get the chance to learn about God) that they have to pay for, just like religions do. Maybe that way God would be kept in the public school and I wouldn't have to worry about my kids learning about evoution. There are atheists groups and atheists "churches" and atheists this and that. I could really honestly care less what atheists try to do as long as they aren't telling me or my children what I should or shouldn't believe in. Can someone enlighten me about this so called tax break of believing in God because I file my taxes every year and I don't recieve one. I just don't understand how atheists complain about theists having their beliefs on everything but yet if you guys had it the other way around you would, outcasting theists beliefs. That sounds completely hypocritical to me.

    Issues like this and more will just go round and round until Jesus comes back. I took a break from the R&S section for a long time and it makes me laugh that I come back today and its still the same users with the same arguments. There are so many better things to do in life.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, it would have to go farther than taking the word "God" out of government (which would just be secularism). We would have to actually insert the words "no god" into legislation, songs, pamphlets, pledges, forms, and currency. If that's what the theists really want, I'd be happy to oblige so long as they're going to insist that atheism is a religion.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    have you ever examine our shape of the Unites States. people who positioned it jointly have been Christan's often. They left England for freedom of religion. Our shape is predicated on the Bible. The separation of church and state exchange into that no faith ought to administration the government, it quite is the only objective for it.This u . s . is predicated on the freedoms that are discovered in the Bible. The church of england had it arms in the government in simple terms like Rome had, nevertheless dose. The worst element that has ever got here approximately to this u . s . is while they by God out of the colleges and the government. seem how issues have became out. If God is long previous, according to threat the depraved issues that are achieved, no person will could desire to offer an account of. we are fooling no person yet our selves.

  • Even though I am a Christian, I never saw Atheism to be a religion. People who claim Atheism as a religion are just clueless, they can't explain it at all because there is nothing to explain!

  • 1 decade ago

    I wish Atheism WERE a religion. Then maybe we could get in on that tax exempt status action.

  • 1 decade ago

    This definition comes from

    re-li-gion   /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ri-lij-uhn] Show IPA Pronunciation

    –noun 1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

    So tell me, how does this NOT include atheism?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I heard they were trying to pass a law to make it illegal to say homosexuality was wrong in a church, but it didn't pass, but if people say religion should be kept out of politics, shouldn't politics be kept out of religion?

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, I've decided that it is. Which means I can claim a tax rebate for all my work on behalf of Holy Athe.


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