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Do some people regret that the US allows interracial marriage?

If they had never allowed interracial marriage, then there never would have been a slippery slope toward gay marriage. If they had never changed the definition of marriage then, no one would think to change it now. Does anyone feel this way?


People, this isn't my view. I just keep seeing a slippery slope argument against gay marriage, and I want to see how those people stick to their guns.

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Agree! Damn those liberals letting dem races mix those queerosexuals wants to get marrieds too, babby jesus will weep!

    Source(s): Sarcasm. I was playing the role of a typical uneducated fundie.
  • 5 years ago

    The argument you just cited does not claim interracial marriage would destroy traditional family values and marriage. And in the interracial marriage debate, you would be hard pressed to find someone claiming that marriage, by definition was a union between to people of the same race. That is an important distinction. To allow gay marriage, you have to change the definition of marriage as marriage literally means a union between a man & a woman. Now, I am in favor of changing the definition to allow gays to marry and I recognize the notion that allowing bay marriage would destroy traditional family values and marriage is totally BUNK! But many would misrepresent the views of people on the other side of the fence.

  • 1 decade ago

    In my experience the only people who make these kind of arguments against homosexuality are doing so because they are ashamed of their own homosexuality. They seem to think that by removing the homosexuals from sight and if possible from existence then their own homosexuals feelings will go away. They are of course wrong!

    And the reason they act so bigoted and angry is because they are angry with themselves for feeling this way. They redirect their anger toward others whom they are jealous of because they have had the courage to face what they are, accept it and even feel happy about it.

    The only slippery slope i see is falling for this propaganda and incitement to hate fellow human beings.

    edit. I should point out that the only reason they are ashamed of their feelings is because they have been brought up by or convinced by a religious group, that there is something unnatural and wrong about homosexuality. However the evidence proves otherwise. Throughout known history homosexuality was common and only since the advent of Christianity did it really become considered wrong. Even the the Ancient Greek hero's such as Achilles were often said to have homosexual lovers and feelings.

    EDIT 2:

    Love between two (or more) consenting adults can never be wrong and harms nobody. Anybody who feels differently is a sociopath and should get treatment for this disorder immediately


    Just ask the Rev. Iason Ouabache to confirm this. If he is honest he will. But then again he´s a reverand so honesty is not his strong point!

  • 1 decade ago

    If interracial marriage was overturned, or never happened I could not be married to my wife. That would make me unhappy, so I understand why the GLB community would be upset. Even if I was not married to someone of a different color as myself I would still understand.

    I think it is funny how people do not see that separate but equal is not the same for gay marriage as it was for white / black marriages. Two consenting adults should be allowed to do anything they wish that does not effect others in a negative way.

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  • Rubym
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't, but growing up in the 60's I knew a lot of otherwise "liberal" people, who were in favor of civil rights and would never use the "N" word, but who did not think interracial marriage was OK, mostly because "The kids wouldn't be accepted by 'either side'."

    Well, Mom, a mixed race human being is President of the United States, as of Jan. 20.

    As for whether than translates into gay marriage being accepted or not, I don't know. Heterosexual marriage and Homosexual marriage are not the same thing. Whether Gay marriage is right or wrong or should be allowed, I just don't think it is comparable to interracial marriage. I can not see the idea of heterosexual adults not being allowed to marry because of race, again in today's world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, during Loving v. Virginia the Supreme Court ruled that marriage is a "basic civil rights of man". This is probably the same rationale that will be used to allow gay marriage. I'm sure lots of people regret that, but it's too bad for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a sign of progress though, when you think about it.

    40 years ago two people with different ethnicity couldn't get married even if they loved each other. Today, most people will find that law ridiculous.

    Right now, in most places, two people of same sex can not get married even if they love each other-but it's going to happen soon enough. Let's just hope that it doesn't take another 40 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I don't. Allowing all humans the same rights is hardly a slippery slope if you ask me.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's horrible. I do NOT feel that way. You can't help how you feel about someone, especially if it is love. And your damn well lucky if they love you back. How dare you think its wrong that gay and inter racial marriages are wrong. That is disgusting. Get a life, you jackass. Stop telling people who they should marry or not. People like that disgust me.

    I don't care how many thumbs down I get for this, but thanks to you - my day has been ruined. Welcome to the 21 century - grow up and realize you don't own people and can not tell them who to marry or love!


    EDIT: oh, sorry. didn't mean to hurt you. thought you meant you thought that. sorry. - but anyone else who thinks that is dispicable. once again, i apologize.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I completely see where you are coming from on this, so I get your message.

    Doesn't it seem like this view so often ties in with Evangelical Christianity?

  • 1 decade ago


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