15$ an hour minimum wage?
Walmart, the largest retailer in the world, can't pay this without going out of business......so why do Liberals think unskilled entry level jobs meant for teenagers should pay that much?
Walmart operates on a 5-6% profit margin. a 50% hike in wages would force them to raise prices...which would hurt their business model and cause them to lose cusotmers.
Walmart Employs 2,000,000 people. If their 10$ an hour wage is increased to 15$ that amounts to $10,000,000 an hour or $80,000,000 more each 8 hour day. Roughly 360 days a year… that costs Walmart and extra $28,800,000,000 28 Billion 800 Million dollars a year. If they have to raise wages….. a lot of people going to lose their jobs.