What do you think of the name Blue Blaze for a girl or Cooper Gail or Bridget Bailie or Mary Elizabeth ~....?


Favorite Answer

Mary Elizabeth is beautiful. Blue blaze is suitable for a pet but not a human. Cooper is a last name that is okay as a first name for a boy. Gail is awesome. Bridget Bailie is cute but I prefer Bailey.


Mary Elizabeth is lovely.
Bridget Bailie is unique, I like it.
Blue Blaze sounds like a name for a motorcycle or a truck.
Cooper Gail isn't bad but not very impressive.


Blue Blaze . . . how about no.

Cooper Gail doesn't flow very nicely. Bridget Bailie doesn't sound right.

Mary Elizabeth is, to me, the only usable name here.


Blue Blaze!? Please don't do that to your child. Cooper sounds like a boy ( I know two male Coopers). Mary Elizabeth eh well its normal and feminine but I think it's so outdated. Bridget Bailie is a lovely name (I know a Baylie).


I like Mary Elizabeth the best.

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