Does it seem like, to you, that self proclaimed conservative people tend to hate more then others?

This is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue because the conservatives even attack others in their own parties.

Mr. Smartypants2015-08-10T18:06:08Z

Favorite Answer

This is not about conservatism. It's about GOP strategy. The Republicans have always been the minority party in terms of voter registrations nationwide. They win through 'energizing' their base, meaning the get them really frightened and angry so they vote in bigger numbers. Consequently they stir up hatred and resentment towards women, minorities, young people, anyone -different-, you name it.


There's an interesting article on fight-or-flight response differences between liberals and conservatives (unfortunately, I can't find it at the moment). In essence, conservatives quicker to turn to hostility than liberals. It was a very useful phenotype during the hunter-gather days, but not so much anymore.


As a matter of fact that's a fact. They preach about other races hating America. Its probably because they are losing control of the situation. They kill each more than any other race and try and hide the stats.


With Hillary trying to smear Bernie I think you've got this one wrong my man


The haters in this country are our liberal friends. Why do you think they're always talking about it. The word is: projecting.

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