Do christians realize that if people rely on faith that christianity, scientology, astrology, jediism, islam are all equally as credible?

Don't act like you have some more to offer (like evidence) because you don't. Noahs Ark, Tower of Babel, etc... have all been disproven. There is no reason to accept the word of the rest of the bible when we already know that the writers were willing to put lies and false stories inside it. Besides if it were the real word of god then people would not have 10,000+ versions and self-appealing translations of it's writings.


Get your own facts straight first before making your christian/religion bashing arguments and accusations lamely disguised as a "question" here on R & S.

Scholastic definition/criteria for a religion :
1. A belief in some Ultimate Reality, such as a supreme or eternal truth that transcends the here and now of the secular world;
2. Religious practices directed towards understanding, attaining or communing with this Ultimate Reality; and
3. A community of believers who join together in pursuing this Ultimate Reality.

Astrology / Jediism NOT religions (by definition)
Scientology is an applied religious philosophy NOT a belief or faith based religion .
Total opposite in fact, if one knows ANY facts about it (see def #2 above)

Christianity (Bible NT) and Islam ( Koran) are both messianic and faith based religions.

So what's YOUR problem, why the need to ridicule and attack others because they choose to follow and practice a particular religion ?
Get a life.

Theta Works2015-08-12T20:17:51Z

Astrology isn't a religion,

Scientology isn't faith or belief based like Islam and Christianity are. In Scientology, the teachings are only true if it's been personally experienced or observed on being applied. Scientology is something one DOES, not believe. The truth is in the application of the teachings. Did it work? What's true for one, may not be true for another. It isn't required that you accept everything. It's ALL denominational so anyone of any religion or creed can use the data, which is free to read in libraries all over the world in 50+ languages. ANYONE can know and use it.


I am a Christian.

There maybe no evidence of Noah's Ark or the Tower of Babel, but there is plenty of other evidence that you cannot in the least refute. For example, the burnt-up residual evidence of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, still existing on the Dead Sea. The Egyptian chariot wheels found on the land bridge found under in the Gulf of Aqaba, formerly called the Red Sea. The land bridge transverse the Red Sea, from the Suez peninsula to Saudi Arabia. How about the existence of Jesus Christ, easily proven by Christians, Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and Jews.

Bobby Jim2015-08-12T19:57:49Z

Noah's Ark was found in Uzengili, Turkey in 1957. IT was originally thought to be a geographical anomaly in the terrain of the lower Ararat Mountains. The ruins of the ancient City of Babylon are built on the site of the Tower of Babel. What you are troubled by concerning faith is that you think it is baseless. Faith begins with choosing to believe the Bible. Books of other faith systems offer no such accuracy from a historical point of view, nor do they offer prophecies that have been fulfilled, and verified.

Art M2015-08-13T08:23:12Z

Scientology is not a faith based religion at all. In Scientology, all major discoveries are made by the Scientologist himself through observation and practice.

The credibility of religions is not measured in the same way as credibility in scientific theories. People who lack religious understanding keep making this fundamental error.

Sometimes, proponents of scientific belief think that they have a "superior" knowledge or belief system, but this is demonstrably incorrect.

Religious people ALSO have access to scientific principles, beliefs, and methods. Therefore, Christians have the "superior" position because they have access to a broader range of ideas and principles. Those who reject religious ideas or experiences are actually more limited in their ability to develop perspectives and concepts.

That s why Christians and others don t pay attention to your crowing.

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