Why do people seriously think they can quote one verse out of the Bible and think they have a chance of getting away with it?


The verses were only added centuries after the Bible was put into final form. They're there so people can find texts more easily, not so you can quote a tiny snippet out of context as if it sheds real light on any issue.

I've seen dozens of cases where someone quoted a verse and obviously thought they had a really important statement. Then someone else quoted the verse, TOGETHER WITH a small bit of text immediately before or after it, and -- whoops -- not quite what the original said!


The point I was getting at is this: If you read the text, it has a meaning. But if you quote just one verse out of that, you can distort it and make it appear to say something it does not say.

That folks like Donald are unable to grasp this -- I find this a bit scary, because you're opening yourself to be fed a false message.

It's fascinating that Donald is clairvoyant. He knows what I'm thinking. Intriguing!

I don't know you, Don, so why block me? Fear?


Favorite Answer

good question!


An example of what you are referring to would be helpful.

Quoting scripture out of context is nothing new. It is commonly used by anti-Christians in. debates with Christians. It is also used by Bible Christians against Catholics and other Denominations with differing opinions. The only time it is "gotten away with" is when the other party doesn't know better to check the veracity of the claim and perhaps also read the verse in context of the surrounding verses or passage.

james o2015-08-13T12:54:35Z

I guess lots of them just don't think it through, and the idea someone might check their source doesn't occur to them. Sad.

Benoni "Light"2015-08-13T12:39:40Z

What do you mean? Don't ask a question about the Bible if you don't want an answer from it.

The Lightning Strikes2015-08-13T12:41:07Z

Because those who do? in some cases if I get what you are meaning, think those of us here are too dumb to know any better, more often than not, they get embarrassed, if that is even possible.

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