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You know why I'm not very fond of bible fundies?

There was this time when I was criticized by a fundy Christian preacher for the following things and that I was going to hell if I didn’t change my lifestyle.

1. I love watching anime (particularly those of the Romance and Slice of Life genre as well as Action and Fantasy). The guy said it was 'steeped in Asian culture and its pagan rites' that and he said I was a fornicator cuz I have a fetish for anime girls (When in reality, I'm not obsessed, I just think they're really cute)

2. I play fantasy role-playing games such as Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Monster Hunter. The guy said it glorified magic and violence.

3. I listen to Rock Music. I like various bands (Green Day, Simple Plan, Nickelback, Linkin Park) But for me, I just really like their music so I'm not band specific. However, the preacher told me all of it was the devil's music.


4. I read fantasy novels like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Eragon and Inkheart. Seeing that it too glorifies magic and all that jazz, this guy told me I was ‘sinful’ because of it.

5. Finally, he condemned me because I was Roman Catholic, said something about the ‘Church of the Devil’ and all that crap. It was then I officially walked away irritated with my ears covered. I’m not a religious person, but the last thing I want is someone who judges my entire being, out loud, just because of my religious views.

I am not saying that ALL fundies are like that, however, I’ve seen many other preachers with this in-your-face way of preaching. Overall, he did nothing but simply judge me without knowing my background, my history, he didn’t even give me the chance to say why I liked these things. He just kept rambling on and on, quoting out-of-context bible verses like an M-16.

Update 2:

He didn’t even care to know that I’ve never touched a girl (sexually), never seriously harmed anyone, and was basically just a normal guy who wanted to make friends with people (regardless of religion).

I’m sorry if this might offend you, but I just can’t accept a belief that has a strong tendency to criticize people who are different. You can prove me wrong, but the fundies that have are just too few to justify the majority.

Update 3:

moreacid - I put this up because people started asking why I don't like fundies very much. Here's my answer to them.

Update 4:

Desiree - That's what the PREACHER said! Geez, what a lame way hit back...

Update 5:

blondie - Yes it's true I answered your question. However, you have not given your reply to my answer as to why a lot of fundies I've seen shove their beliefs down other people's throats. I'd would love it, really, for you to prove me that you're not all like that.

Update 6:

blondie - Look, I'm a rather open-minded person. Ok? Tell me how is this preacher right? In fact, you can send me a message and discuss with me. If you truly think you want everyone to be 'saved', you wouldn't be afraid to discuss this with me.

Update 7:

blondie - So basically, protecting your friends, caring for your loved ones, admitting your feelings for someone, and fighting for what you believe in is 'false doctrine'?

I learned that from watching anime!

As with rock music, songs with 'Praise the Lord' can't relate to a guy who's been picked on badly from grade school to highschool (Yeah I know, I'm an emo, deal with it).

You think Jesus, showed off how holy and clean he was to people who considered themselves worthless? No, he was humble wasn't he?

You limit your minds to the teachings of a book that takes a college degree in Theology, Philosophy, and Literature combined just to understand.

You know what? Another preacher also said I was a 'waste of time', but I just saw that as an excuse to be a coward, hiding his face behind the Bible.

What you did just proved my beliefs about bad fundies even more.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yano wot....i'm a Christian....and you may not believe this but I am prety much the same as you!!

    1.I watch anime.....and I think the girls are cuter than the's just the way they're drawn

    2.I don't play many fantasy role-playing games but I have played Final Fantasy....and enjoyed it

    3.i LOVE rock music!!! but I'm more of a MCR person

    4.I read Harry Potter fact I've started re-reading the 7th book just last night

    The only difference is....I'm not Roman Catholic. But that's not've listened to the wrong preacher.....don't let him get to you...he's the one who's going to stand before God someday and be told "what on EARTH were YOU talking about?!?!?!"

    I've herd many bad preachers say the same things as fact my Bible Class teacher is like that every Sunday....but in fact I dont respect him for that.

    You need to find a good preacher to sit and listen to.....believe me there are some moving sermons that make you feel so good for being a Christian (or even just for considering going to church that day!) and they are the right sermons......only the bad preachers preach hell and damnation all the time.

    Hope I've helped!!!

    Lisa xXx

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for what you have written. From your experiences I can totally see why you are turned off by "fundies". That guy was way, way out of line and should not have spoken to you like he did. That behavior makes me sick. I believe in Jesus Christ and I think that man's words/attitudes made Jesus sick too!!! I've met people like him and I've met some wonderful people who I respect for the way they live their faith and love people, not preaching at them, befriending them. I would like to apologize to you, on behalf of the family of believers. If that man even is a Christian, he doesn't act like it. Jesus never put non-believers down. The religious pharisee group hated him because "he was a friend of sinners" - which to them was any people who didn't do all their same religious rituals. The only people Jesus railed on were religious hypocrites.

    I only wish you could meet the Jesus I know. He is so warm, loving, genuine and He's got a sense of humor!!!! If it is possible for you, stay open to Christ, he's not the wrong one. It was Jesus' love and help that drew me to become a believer. He actually rescued me from killing myself and He has been my friend and my God since 1971. Just an example, when I meet a bad car mechanic I don't stop fixing my car, I just go to a different repair shop. Try not to blame Jesus for bum examples of "so-called believers"

  • 1 decade ago

    No wonder you hate them. I understand you..

    Bible fundies are so damn serious to every word from the Bible. They believe that they already decipher the messages from the Bible and they are living according to it..

    So it means that the way they criticize on persons like you and also me is included on the Bible.

    I think NOT!!

    I believe that we are given a "free will" here. It's our choice that MATTERS not them.

    If God want us not to go to HELL ... then He must not give us the Brain to let us think or Heart to feel and find ways to enjoy.

    Or therefore not giving us that there will be no chances that we will be astray...

    But God is not like that...He gives us a "freedom" to express. A "choice" long as you know your doing the right thing..

    If your in the right place then better ignore what he said to

    ..he is not God after all...just a mere human...

  • 5 years ago

    When men and women ask what "faith" I am, I inform them I am a born-once more Christian. This is helping them to underdstand I am no longer Catholic, Anglican, and many others, however non-denominational Christian that believed and confessed that Jesus is my saviour, and I was once "born-once more" because the bible says. This isn't some way to take a look at and outsmart God and input the Kingdom, as though that could paintings??

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I have got nothing against people minding their own religion. But WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO PREACH???

    Do a favour for me. Ask him some questions.

    If god created the world, who created him?? Dont just say he was the first ever person..

    How do you know there is a after life??

    Ill only stick to a religion if they can prove what they preach is real..

  • 1 decade ago

    I would find another church to attend. At one time some of them said that Television was the handiwork of the Devil and were given first dibbs on having televison programming under their control... I like anime and Music, believe it or not I do dance so what abount Psalm 150 to that Pastor? Did he eat the entire book of Lamentations or what?

  • 1 decade ago

    I was once told that because I enjoy writing dark fiction the devil was using me as an instrument.

    I pointed out that the Bible could also be considered a work of dark fiction. He did not concur.

    I'm not very fond of bible fundies either

  • 1 decade ago

    Who would attract the Devil more, the one who never gives him a thought, or the one who is so obsessed with him he sees the Devil in everyone and everything that doesn't apply to his view of the perfect world?

    Crazy..just ignore it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go back and tell this so-called Preacher to take a running jump as he knows nothing but the sound of his own voice.

    this shows up as though he alone wants to save everyone from themselves,not GOD !!

  • SDW
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm an Evangelical Christian, and I hate the fundies too. Too interested in being right to even think about why they're saying what they're saying... makes me furious.

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