Does it upset christians that atheists and gays have the same exact rituals for getting married than christians do?

Kind of takes out the marriage between god and the 2 people if atheists and homosexuals are doing it too. I would think if you wanted god to sanctify your marriage you would develop a different way of getting married.


This is what Christians don't understand:
Christmas, marriage, they are more like traditions than rituals. Christians say atheists shouldn't celebrate Christmas, but it's merely a tradition. Americans celebrate groundhog day, don't they? And yet they don't believe a groundhog can change the duration of winter, do they? Does that make them hypocrites? No. Because that is only a tradition. Same with Christmas, marriage.
Sorry that didn't really answer your question, but I wanted to say this cause so many Christians criticize atheists for celebrating Christmas, and marrying.


Rituals are not what matters here. What matters is that it is impossible for gay couples to ever have a true marriage. Marriage is about the cleaving of two people of the opposite sex, working out a life together where both the masculine and feminine qualities are at interplay. This creates a healthy enviroment both for themselves and for any children that come to grace the marriage. Some day people will figure this out and try to retract the gay marriage laws, especially when they finally realize that same sex marriage causes children to suffer.


Marriage is and always has been a matter of civil law! Whilst churches are allowed to carry out the service it must be in complete compliance with that law and any deviation or omission would make the marriage null and void and probably involve criminal offenses!

Benoni "Light"2015-08-14T23:24:07Z

Nope. Can't make anybody obey or believe in God. Can't make anybody keep his commandments. I can only make sure that when it is up to me, I stand for my beliefs and keep the commandments of my God. They've decided to allow gay people to marry someone of the same sex and receive the benefits exclusive to a marriage. Oh well. Doesn't make it right, doesn't mean I have to support it.


Noting to be upset about, at least in the US. Marriage has been a state institution since the 19th century when states undertook to license and regulate the institution as a means to stop churches from performing interracial marriages. I regard it no differently than states issuing drivers licenses.

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