Can someone please explain this popular saying to me? (Loneliness)?

"If you don't enjoy your own company then no one else will."

OK, to me when I read this, it sounds like whoever is saying "If you feel lonely, that means you have a problem/ you don't like yourself and so no one will want to hang out with you because your company is not enough for you."

Is this what people mean? I definitely enjoy me time, but at the same time, there are times, especially when I go to work and see so many people happily hanging out with other people/ boyfriends/ girlfriends and I feel really lonely. I've drifted away from most if not all of my real life friends Does my feeling of loneliness indicate I don't like myself? I fully accept myself and refuse to change who I am and love my weirdness. (It's why I like spending time with myself But is my loneliness an underlying signI hate myyself?

Thank you!


No, it means that if you're difficult, heavy-hearted, and focused on the bad, you're gonna drive people away.

The saying doesn't actually address loneliness, it merely indicates what's smart, and what's hard, when it comes to attracting friends, or people to hang out with.

Gerri J2015-08-17T10:30:24Z

I think it means if you don't like yourself no one else will because you will give of negative vibes