Is it true that white people are smarter than black people?

I heard once that because white people made inventions like airplanes and stuff, but in Africa, they still live in mud huts, and there aren't any black philosophers, that black people are smarter. Is this true?


I heard once that because white people made inventions like airplanes and stuff, but in Africa, they still live in mud huts, and there aren't any black philosophers, that white people are smarter. Is this true?


"Smarter" is subjective and not measurable. It is true, however, that the average IQ of the white population is higher than the average IQ of the black population, by about 12 points, and that at least some of that difference is probably due to genetics. Read The Bell Curve by Charles Murray to understand more.


Not necessarily. White people were able to advance faster than the other races because of their culture, environment, and other factors were favorable to technological advancement.

Replace white Europeans with any other race in the world, with the exact same conditions as the white Europeans, the other races would have done the exact same things I believe.


No white people and Asians and no more smarter than anybody it's just that U.S schools education system is biased and they purposely give black people's the lowest mark and grade. Because Amerikka is racist country!

You Don'T Know Me2015-08-19T09:38:11Z

No they aren't, Whites progress in the world only started about 500 years ago. Every race and region has had great civilizations which lasted for thousands of years much more than western dominance has lasted. Others where doing great things long before Europeans knew how to do much. There was a time the great civilizations were in Africa and another time when they were in Asia. If the world was as global then as it is now, they would have been asking the same questions about white people. And no Africans aren't and weren't all half naked savages living in mud huts as you are ignorantly led to believe. The oldest standing Educational institution in the world is in Timbuktu,Mali which is in West Africa. Around the 12th century, the University of Timbuktu had an attendance of 25,000 students in a city which had a population of over 100,000 people.The manuscripts of Timbuktu which were discovered and are now being preserved cover diverse subjects such as mathematics,chemistry,physics,optics,astronomy and treaties, jurisprudence and much more.Mansa Musa who ruled Mali at it s height of greatness has been announced as the richest man in history. He had a personal net worth of $400billion at the time of his death in 1331. For them to have been that rich they must have been smart to develop trading routes like that. The whole white race didn't invent those things, less than 1% of your race did and inventing things doesn't mean you're smarter. The Wright brothers where bicycle repair men,when they wanted to invent a flying machine people much more smarter than then in prestigious Universities where insulting them for it. Every race has smart and dumb people but the reason whites have invented more things and made more innovations in the last 500 years was due to renaissance. If others have had the renaissance they would have done the same thing. Other races have started coming up.



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