Is there a difference between.....?

Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner and Rue Paul? Other than their skin color, both are male (Caitlyn still has his package), both enjoy dressing up as females, both are reality TV "stars", both are making lots of money dressing as women.
Maybe Rue Paul looks a little more feminine, but other than that, what is the difference?

Angela D2015-08-23T08:29:31Z

Favorite Answer

ru paul identifies as male. caitlyn jenner identifies as female.


Ru Paul identitfies as a male -- she is a performer in drag only.

Caitlyn Jenner identifies as female, she is living as a female.


Jenner is transgender: she considers herself a woman in the body of a man.

Rupaul is a cross-dresser: he wears women's clothing. From what I can tell, Rupaul considers himself a man.