Need suggestion on what multimedia server and setup that works on Wifi to tablet and HDMI to smart TV.?


If I want to have a media device that stream videos (in ISO format) to my smart TV via HDMI direct connection and share the videos via wifi to other tablets. I also want to rip the DVDs to ISO from other PC then transfer to the media device (means the PC can see the file structure in media device directly). I don't want to use a PC for media server, can egreat (which model) do the job? I like the media device has build in HD too.


Other than a custom built home theater PC (HTPC), I can't think of anything that fulfills such a list of requests. Even then, I think you're going to have problems streaming in ISO format since most media clients - including the ones built into your TV and tablet - don't support that format directly.

Something like TVersity, running on your HTPC can transcode videos into the appropriate format(s).

Can I ask why you don't want to use a PC as your media server? Both your Smart TV and tablet should be DLNP compatible so they should be able to connect to a media server, and let you choose what video to play.


Egreat can decode ISO image and that what I prefer to use to keep the DVDs options available. I not want another PC sitting sole purpose for video streaming in which I may only use it for a movie per week.