Trump Supporters: What did Jorge Ramos do to Donald Trump?

Tonight I saw Donald Trump fail to answer basic factual questions about the nature of implementing his immigration policy reform. I saw him grandstanding about how he owns large buildings, how he is very smart and how people think he is very smart, and how much money he is suing Univison over, but I did not see him answer one of Jorge Ramos' questions with a factual answer.

I'm a liberal, but from your point of view, is this still a mess for him?


Okay, if you say that Trump answered Ramos' questions, could you please use a quotation, because to me it seemed like he was evasive to the extreme.

Also, do you think that Ramos' questions, if not the way he asked them, were fair? Because he has certainly been as hard on Obama in the past.


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Mr. Trump is pandering to his base with empty promises that he cannot fill.
If anyone tries to get him to detail HOW he plans to fix immigration, or pretty much anything,
he talks around the issue, changes the subject, etc.

Mr. Ramos might have broken some unwritten rules by interrupting, but Trump wants to be PRESIDENT OF THE USA! I say thats a danm good reason to use any technique possible to try to keep him from worming out of backing up his ********.

Trump is a cult of personality candidate- big words, hot air, bluster- and no content. He can't detail how his "plans" will work, he says things that show a complete misunderstanding of how life works for 90% of the people on the planet, because he was born rich and has never had to deal with such things.


Trump is basing his campaign on hatred jorge ramos wanted to express his opinion which he should have not it was trump event and Donald decided to take him out immigration is not an issue in this country trump is either trying to get some type of publicity by doing all of this things or he really doesn't like foreigners .


I'm not a huge Trump fan but Ramos was way out of line here. When Trump asked for questions and pointed to specific people to answer, Ramos would not shut up. It was never clear if Trump would answer his questions or not but only that Ramos was doing everything he could to disrupt the event. I feel that had he waited his turn he would have gotten an answer from Trump, maybe not the one he wanted to here but part of the issues is that if you ask for an answer and then don't like it you shouldn't continue to argue your point, as a member of the media his job is to ask questions not give his agenda. At least Trump has a plan that he is starting to develop unlike all the other GOP and DEM candidates who just blow out the same old crap that has been around for 25 years. Hilliary has no plan, she will promise everything to be elected, many of the GOP candidates will as well. It is nice to hear someone say something that at least brings on debate.


I like the way Trump graciously invited Ramos back in, and then engaged him on the subject of interest to Ramos for at least five minutes. Good for The Donald.

Armchair Goddess #12015-08-26T07:05:15Z

A very respected host of the largely Hispanic Univision and career journalist who spoke on behalf of all Hispanics, to include the approximately 11 million long-term-resident illegals as well as legal immigrants upon whom this economy relies, asked questions out of turn to the bloviating blowhard oafish buffoon The Donald---questions that need to be answered. Trump has vindictive feelings towards Univision for canceling their coverage of race-baiting misogynistic mean-mouthed Trump's objectifying-women beauty pageants after Trump chose to alienate the entire Hispanic population here in the U.S....and so Trump refused to acknowledge the presence of Jorge Ramos. Like any good reporter worth his salt, Ramos chose to interrupt the ego-stroking public meeting (emphasis on the word "public" here) and pin Trump down on the issues affecting Hispanics. Trump cannot handle being challenged---his narcissism does not tolerate being questioned or challenged, so he had his bodyguard oust the respected journalist to squelch freedom of the press---very Putin of Trump.

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