If the presidential election were held tomorrow, whom would you vote for?

I'd switch to Republican for the first time in my life, if Carly Fiorina gets on the ballot.

MEL T2015-08-28T12:53:01Z

Favorite Answer

I'd go with a Carly/Marco ticket.


If it were held tomorrow and Hillary Clinton were the Democratic nominee, I would vote for her. But, "if" questions are not very useful. For example, I will vote for the Democratic candidate no matter who that is provided that it is someone who now has a reasonable chance of winning.


Realize you can't get ANY sense of voter intention from the few people answering this.

In the past, most answers confidently predicted Ron Paul wins. tee hee!

Anyway, I intend to vote for Sanders.

Fiorina? So you want most Americans lives ruined, WHY exactly?


Why would you vote for her. She couldnt win when she ran in California. She fired a lot of HP employees to save money, then she got fired.

Weasel McWeasel2015-08-28T22:06:09Z

Biden/Caroline Kennedy.

sounds good.