If Charles Xavier is so smart, why doesn't he know how to pronounce Xavier?


Yahoo put this in the "baby names" category


I'm assuming you're referring to Charles Xavier from the X-Men movies. I think he can pronounce Xavier just fine. It doesn't matter if he can pronounce it right or wrong anyway. He has telekinetic powers and can read minds.


I have a nephew called Xavier, It took me wile to stop trying to say it with an X. It is pronounced Zavier....

Joseph B2016-12-06T11:05:57Z

If it is his name, doesn't he get to pronounce it any way he wants? I knew someone whose daughter was Karen, and they called her KARN and got upset if it was pronounced any other way.

Then there was Cheryl, who insisted that her name was CHER-yl (hard C).


ugh...this is dumb.