Gender studies, am I hetersexual?

I can go years without intercourse or intimacy (cuddling, fondling, kissing, close bodily contact e.t.c.) Both without intellectual/emotional degradation that is (as far as I have learned from normal people) quite normal if a man is without for so long.

I'm quite aware this is abnormal. My question is basically, when I get drunk and see images of scantily clad attractive females online, I feel nostalgic, excited and lonely. Am I either heterosexual or asexual with a hetero twist?


Favorite Answer

It's not abnormal, I'm the same way, I call myself a normal guy.

I'm not asexual and nor are you, you may be suffering from Hyposexuality, you can see a doctor for that.


Sounds to me like asexual or just an extremely low sex drive


U sound straight