Am I the only one that thinks the churches coddle pedophiles?

I was reading about the Alabama youth pastor with 29 sex charges against him that has just been hired as a "music pastor" by a church in the Dallas area.

They justify the hiring by saying he has not been convicted of any crime yet, so they hire him for a position that puts him in contact with children. Shouldn't the safety of the children be the top priority?




Sadly, I was hoping some christians would tell us that it is more important to protect the children than the pedophiles, but they seem to be too busy insisting that there is no problem. In my world, if you have one pedophile, that is one too many.


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Am I the only one that thinks the churches coddle pedophiles?

- No, everyone does, but no one will do anything about it.


It's like the Jimmy Saville case in the UK. He was a TV celebrity who made a ton of money for charities, hosted a famous show where he arranged for young kids to have their dreams come true by meeting their heroes, etc...and turned out to have been a seriously dirty old man as well. At first nobody believed it, but more and more people came forward and now it's turned into a full scale police investigation which to the best of my knowledge is still going and through which several high profile arrests and investigations have been made.

I think that initially the main fear was the impact if would have on the showbiz world in which he was involved - he met the Queen in person more than a few times - and that it would tarnish the image of the BBC (which is daft: I would bet that at least half the board of directors went to public schools - that's in the UK sense of "private, paid, as opposed to state" schools - and were therefore pretty much sodomites by default; look up the "biscuit game" if you don't believe me).

Anyway. The church is the same: the cognitive dissonance that arises when a fornicating father is caught out followed by a calculated PR attempt to make it look less heinous than it really was.

Then again, it doesn't actually say "thou shalt not rape little boys" in the decalogue anywhere, so I guess they can probably still count on getting into heaven when they are beaten to death by an outraged group of vigilantes.

Purple Haze2015-09-12T05:57:04Z

I think the Mormons do, since they believe that God had sex with mary when the Holy Ghost came over her. Thsi shows that they allow father's having sex with their daughters. Thsi also is a belief for the FLDS as well.
As for my non-denom church, everyone gets a background check, men are not allowed to change diapers and cannot be left alone with a chidren in a room.


ya, that would be coddling pedophilia. If he's already up on 29 charges. They should indeed wait until he is at least acquitted to hire him.


Yes. The churches coddle criminals, not just pedophiles. They pass diddlers and thieves around so they are not found out, and have fresh hunting grounds.
The church and the Mafia are patterned on each other.
What more needs to be said of them then?

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