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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

How can the Catholic Church stop the Pedophile Priests?

Please hold your anger and read this carefully....

First of all, almost all the abuse cases on the news date back to 20, 40, or more years ago and was perpetrated by old priests who received their training around 1930 or 40's when the child abuse or human sexuality was not discussed in the Church or in our society in general.

For many years now, the Catholic Church has been doing the following ...

1. Run psychological screening for young men before and during their priesthood formation.

2. Study and examine their own sexuality as a part of their course in formation.

3. All the bishops are now doing criminal background check on everyone (from priests to church janitors) before hiring them.

4. Share any new report of abuse with law enforcement.

5. Any priests who are accused are automatically removed from the post. (assuming guilty even before any investigation).

Being proven not guilty from the charges doesn't matter. Their reputation is already ruined.

Can you think of any thing else the Catholic Church is not doing ?

Now, if you are serious about my question, please think this through and state your case and I would appreciate your comments.


32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the church is doing a great job these days. Until the 70's, it was thought that homosexuality was a psychological issue, and the priests that molested were homosexuals. Only teenage boys were molested, which shows that these priests couldn't escape their homosexuality even by becoming a priest. The accused priests were put through psychological treatment, but it didn't work. We know today why it didn't work and we understand how to detect homosexuality in people before they become priests.

    I don't believe molestation will be a problem in the future of the church.

    Source(s): Roman Catholic Theologian
  • 1 decade ago

    Every news story and commentary stating that the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church is widening is factually wrong. The evidence shows just the opposite—it has been contracting for approximately a quarter century. Here's the proof: the John Jay College of Criminal Justice—not exactly an arm of the Catholic Church—has shown repeatedly that the vast majority of the abuse cases took place from the mid-60s to the mid-80s. And the reports over the last five years show a rapid decline. The latest report, covering 2008-2009, shows exactly six credible allegations made against over 40,000 priests and tens of thousands of others working for the Catholic Church.

    Almost all of the chatter about the alleged widening of the scandal is a direct result of media sensationalism. Here is a perfect example, taken from a Reuters story today. The headline reads, "Norway's Catholic Church Reveals New Abuse Cases." But what is new is not a new wave of incidents, rather it is an admission by the Norwegian Catholic Church of four cases of alleged abuse that it had not previously disclosed. Two of the cases date back to the 1950s; another dates back two decades; and the fourth one was based on "rumors."

    The same Reuters story opens by saying these four stories come "two days after it [the Norwegian Catholic Church] revealed that a bishop who resigned last year did so after abusing an altar boy." That makes it sound like a Church cover-up. Only at the end of the story does the reader learn that the reason why this story did not emerge until this week is precisely because the victim initially asked that it not be made public.

    There is no other religious or secular institution being cherry-picked by lawyers and the media like that of the Catholic Church. If what happened in the 1950s qualifies as news when it happened in the Catholic Church, then surely it would be news to learn of all those who were abused a half-century ago by ministers, rabbis, school teachers and others. But it will never happen—such news fails to make the media salivate.

  • 1 decade ago

    It would help, if priests were allowed to be married and life a normal sexual life. Yes! there are good priests, but why live a life of a monk. This is totally un natural.

    Statistics show, that only a very small percentage of priest are guilty of these crimes. It is because of their position of trust, that this becomes bad. When dealing with children, safety precautions should be done with all persons, not just the Catholic clergy.

    Come on! the media does like to embellish, the clergy and children! What about the thousands that are abused by their own parents or family. This should be of primary notice and concern, but then it does not make the news or sell papers.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    They should try to be more genuine in the practice of Christianity. In the Old Testament, priests were allowed to marry. It doesn't say in the New Testament that priests are forbidden to marry. In the Old Testament it spells out for the reader that the male priests were not only masculine but they were required to be masculine. Something about that has been lost. No boy or man should ever have a reason to feel like he is weak or feminine in some way because he wants to love God and Jesus. The old geezers in the Vatican seem to me like fems. The pope himself parades around in a dress, and sometimes even wears designer red shoes like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm agreeing with everyone here, except, of course, the ones who think it's a big joke. Oh, and mind you, it's not just the Catholic Church that this has happened in.

    It should certainly be handled accordingly and not hidden or covered up!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why even ask ??? given the answers with any positive reeinforcements, the catholics here thumbs down like crazy, so what's the point, they will defend this church til death and for all the wrong reasons, all of their faith, hope and trust are placed in "men" and not God....they shall remain decieved :-( I pray that at least some will be found and see....Peace/Love God Bless

    fades to black...then they attack (itswhattheydo) BAM/ouch...I'm...O..K...:-D

    Source(s): not PeRfeCt/Just Forgiven SDA former catholic
  • 5 years ago

    Pope Benedict was silently firing about 400 priest at his last days.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think they should let them have sex, get married, do stuff that men do. The way it is now, it's set up like prison and we all know what happens in prison. You can't tell what's going on with these guys, whether it's homosexuality or pedophilia, or just a reaction to forced celibacy...a sort of "institutional homosexuality". The whole celibacy thing is either creating perverts, or attracting them. In either case, it's not good.

    Source(s): Atheists vs. Theists Uncensored Religious Debate Link in Profile
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Allow priests to become married. Although it would not fully prevent pedophiles from entering it would sure lower the numbers. I think that every person should love another, it is what God would want them to do.... to share your life with someone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The catholic church can lift its ban on married priests.

    Instruct anyone laity or clergy that suspects a crime has been committed to report it to the police.

    Co-operate fully with police enquiries.

    Submit the names and location of any priest suspected of pedophilia immediately to the police.

    Educate its flock as to the sign to look for.

    Stop all unsupervised activities, where children are in the company of church officials without their parents being present.

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