Has anyone else noticed that the more religious a person gets the less common sense they have?


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athe more deluded and ignorant they become. It's impossible for any adult with common sense to choose any of the Abrahamic religions


Research repeatedly shows atheists are 7.8% more intelligent than the religious.

Neuroscientists have conducted the most comprehensive brain mapping to date of the cognitive abilities measured by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), the most widely used intelligence test in the world.

The results show that the various factors that comprise a high or low IQ score
depend on particular regions of the brain.

The WAIS test is composed of four indices of intelligence, each consisting of several subtests, which together produce a full-scale IQ score. The four indices are the verbal comprehension index, which represents the ability to understand and to produce speech and use language; the perceptual organization index, which involves visual and spatial processing, such as the ability to perceive complex figures; the working memory index, which represents the ability to hold information temporarily in mind (similar to short-term memory); and the processing speed index.

With the exception of processing speed, which appears scattered throughout the brain, the lesion mapping showed that the other three cognitive indices really do depend on specific brain regions.

For example, lesions in the left frontal cortex were associated with lower scores on the verbal comprehension index; lesions in the left frontal and parietal cortex (located behind the frontal lobe) were associated with lower scores on the working memory index; and lesions in the right parietal cortex were associated with lower scores on the perceptual organization index.

The study also revealed a large amount of overlap in the brain regions responsible for verbal comprehension and working memory, which suggests that these two now-separate measures of cognitive ability may actually represent the same type of intelligence, at least as assessed using the WAIS.

It matters not if they are atheist because of this new type of intelligence or get it because they are atheist – it is a totally different and far more efficient process!!


Has anyone else noticed that the more religious a person gets the less common sense they have?

~~~ Common sense is far from common, anymore!

And a common symptom of a 'belief infection' is the disintegration of cognitive and intellectual function, leading to insanity!


The "more religious" meaning? Religious can't be defined that way. People who do take their religious texts literally are not reasonable however because they use allegorical stories the wrong way.


no that is not true. that is what happens to unbelievers. the more a person insists that god does not exist the less common sense they have.

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