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Is anyone else getting violation notices again on 2012 questions?

I just got 2 more violations on "old" 2012 questions again and was wondering if others are still getting them. I have appealed both of these as they absolutely did not violate anything! The only thing they had in common was they were doomsday questions related to the end of the world in 2012. I do not answer 2012 questions any more, just because of this. That is a shame because there are many children out there who are very concerned about the subject, and there are those who, for some reason, do not like certain answers on the subject.

Is there any clue who is behind all these bogus violations?


Please mark this question as "Interesting" so YA will notice... Thanks

Update 2:


maybe I should ask, did you get one for a question? What was the question?

Update 3:


I got hit for answering, I don't ask or answer 2012 anymore. Too hot, I'm too new around here and don't want to get kicked out for too many violations in too short a time...

Update 4:

I'm probably taking a chance on getting a violation for this question...

I think my profile is about to go dark until the perpetrator(s) is/are gone!

Update 5:

Anyone who wants to view my Q&A, please ask to be a contact. I have no problem with sharing, but I have to know who to trust.

Update 6:

Okay, some do not have to ask, so if I add and you don't want to see my Q&A, let me know via PM.

Update 7:

Just got my appeals back, guess what?

"We hav reviewed your appeal and have found that your answer is indeed a violation...Blah, blah..."

No explanation, no nothing, no argument.

Signed by Antoine somebody or other.

11 Answers

  • DLM
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not many on the 2012 questions, interestingly enough. And not a whole lot total altogether in general. I had received two total VN's the first 8 months I was on this site, one was just a poorly worded recommendation for a person to use the stellarium software (it did look a lot like spam the way I phrased it) that I won on appeal, and another on a very unrelated question I asked in a different category a few months back. A question that was not restored.

    Then I had a VN to an answer to a 2012 question a few weeks back. It was an open question at the time. When I had filed my appeal, the question had already been removed to. So you can imagine my surprise when I received, the next day, an email notice saying my answer had been restored onthat question, AND that I got Best Answer on it.

    Then nothing for a long while.

    On June 29, 2009, I came home from work to find 4 VN's (all answers to questions 8-11 months old) all in the A&S category. I appealed all. Won none of them that day. But went through a second appeal on all of them, and won three. On June 30, I removed all of my fans/contacts except for the exclusive few that I have exchanged numerous communications with, or trust completely.

    I have not received a VN since then. I do not know if this is circumstantial or not. I wasn't sure if someone was going through all of my old answers and reporting any questionable ones (or, more than likely, a vendetta of some sort) , or if they were going through old A&S resolved questions and doing it.

    I have noticed many users who have private Q&A *AND* do not allow fans have been getting VN's as well (there were a couple of threads in the "Suggestions" forum), so maybe removing my "unknown" fans was not as effective as it had appeared.

    There are many regulars in this forum that I am in daily contact with. On most days, at least one of them will mention to me, "I got 6 VN's today" or "I got my second one this week."

    I have my own suspicion as to who the likely culprit is. And through all of this, have spend a lot of time researching how to protect myself from VN's and frivilous reporting.

    I will say this, the points don't matter to me. I enjoy this site (I do have an addictive personality) but dislike its rewarding of trolling. I contribute when I can, and maybe 1 out of 100 answers of mine will be a little snarky, although I generally try to stay on point and keep a cool head. (There is one example in particular that I am actually proud of, that *could* be considered a violation, but am surprised that old answer has not yet been discovered by the "report-it bandit" yet).

    Walking on eggshells in what is suppossed to be a science forum is never any fun. Sceintists are generally regarded as lacking personalities and a sense of humor to begin with, and it appears, anytime any of us try to show we are not a stereotype, we get punished for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My last two violations notices, one was about an R & S response that was supposedly insulting (the question was just as insulting as my response was), and the other was probably a 2012 response. It was hilarious. Telling some one to play with the Solar System Live site by sticking in various dates and clicking the update button is ...... Solicitation. I'm literally LOL!!!ing again.

    Yes, I suspect I know who is doing it. He/she is a cyber-bully who has been stalking me on the fourms and has been trying to discredit and defame me since either November 11. 2006 or October 5, 2005, which is when I signed up with for the first time. I may actually know who it is in real life, and she's despised me for almost 50 years, because we have the same relatively common last name, but I stood in front of her when we went to chapel in the 2nd and 3rd grades. The teachers made the entire 2nd and 3rd grade classes line up alphabetically by grade. This person has serious psychological problems, and is desperate to whittle points off of my point total, by making ridiculous claims like I'm soliciting for Solar System Live. My only connection to the site is that I frequently use it or refer to it. In no way do I profit financially from recommending the site. It's not my fault that the site answers planetary alignment questions so well.

    "Well, they deserve it". Response of a classic profile abuser. The victim of abuse deserves the abuse because of the way they behave. Complete denial of responsibility for the abuse is typical of abusers. On-line cyber-bullies think that their supposed anonymity protects them, but it doesn't. Your ISP number is always traceable and what you post is on a server somewhere. Once it becomes possible to sue some one for online defamation attempts without having to prove loss of money and reputation, there are going to be a lot of cyber-bullies who can be traced and sued.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. They slowed to a stop, but I've had a couple this week already. One was on the moon landings. Honestly, Yahoo must take a good share of the blame for allowing this troll to get away with their actions. If their goal is to perpertrate ignorance and superstition amongst the general public, they appear to be succeeding.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have no have a right of freedom of speech.

    Wait until 2013 if the world hasn't ended by then everything should be fine.

    Source(s): 59 years of life
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's because the little kids don't listen to intectual answers. They only listen to what youtube vidoes with catchy music, fake facts, and smart sounding words tell them. I found it humorous actually...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    For asking or for answering? I've gotten two for answering that people who ask such questions are intellectually challenged. I avoid them for the same reason now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lots of people. Mostly those who attempt to debunk the 2012 story and some conspiracy material.

  • Sarah*
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've never gotten any, but I'm not surprised that some of you are getting them. They are probably a bunch of Christians who don't like hearing about science that contradicts religion.

  • Ssss
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    not me, i just answer my 2012 questions by same old answer

    "go to" simple and easy. i never got any violation about 2012 question before.

  • 1 decade ago

    my last violation notice was regarding a joke i posted in A&S to lighten things up a little. how this is a violation beats me!!

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